
My name is Mary Ann Whitehead Overson and this blog is dedicated to all the amazing men and women who came before me: my ancestors. I also want to acknowledge my father, Armand Toyn Whitehead, who is the person responsible for a lot of the content in this blog; my dad has spent countless hours collecting and preserving photos and histories, and preserving them on the computer so that they can be handed down for generations. Thank you, Dad!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Patriarchal Blessings

As some of you know, I have posted a couple of ancestors' Patriarchal Blessings on this blog, but I have removed them.  This is not because I am not willing to share - far from it!  The whole point of my blog is to share the information I find with as many as who wants to see it!  However, these blessings were such an important and sacred part of our ancestor's lives, and the more that I thought about them being out on the internet the more it felt wrong to me.  There are too many people out there who do not hold anything to be sacred, people who would want to use this information to distort its intent.  I have searched and found nothing that states that I can NOT publish a deceased ancestor's blessing, so if anyone knows for sure how the Church feels about this topic, please let me know!

A Patriarchal Blessing, for those who read this who are not LDS, is a special blessing bestowed upon any member who seeks guidance in their life - not just for this life, but for the life hereafter. For more information on Patriarchal Blessings, I invite you to read a message from President Monson, the current LDS Prophet, at http://www.lds.org/liahona/2010/02/on-being-spiritually-prepared?lang=eng&query=patriarchal+blessing.  In this talk, Pres. Monson speaks about how one should treat their own personal blessing, and says that it should not be published or read to just anyone because of its personal and private nature.  It was when I read this that I really felt that my ancestors would not want just anyone to access their sacred blessings, but that they would definitely wish for their descendants to read them, members of the church, or not!

So, if you would like a copy of this blessing there are two ways to go about getting it:
  1. You can ask me for a copy - just send me a message, or leave a comment, (if I don't know you, please let me know how you are related to our common ancestor!) and leave me contact information so that I can send it to you.  I don't care if you're a member of the church, or not - I'll send you a copy!
  2. If you are a member of the LDS church, and a "direct line descendant" (meaning that you are a child/grandchild/ great grandchild, etc.) then you can go to lds.org and order a patriarchal blessing directly from the church.  If you are not a direct line descendant, then you will need to contact me for a copy.
I'm sorry if this causes inconvenience!  It is not my intent to frustrate or offend anyone.  Thank you for your understanding.  ~Mary Ann Overson

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