
My name is Mary Ann Whitehead Overson and this blog is dedicated to all the amazing men and women who came before me: my ancestors. I also want to acknowledge my father, Armand Toyn Whitehead, who is the person responsible for a lot of the content in this blog; my dad has spent countless hours collecting and preserving photos and histories, and preserving them on the computer so that they can be handed down for generations. Thank you, Dad!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Adolphus Rennie Whithehead Journal (1878-1881) 3 of 3

A.R. Whitehead Journal, POST 3 of 3
1 Jan 1880 - 5 Sep 1881 (end of journal entries)
transcribed by Armand Toyn Whitehead from original 
Cont. . .
St. George, 1880, January    A. R. Whitehead, p. 58
January 1.  Worked in Office until noon, spent P.M. with Mary.
January 2.  At Temple.  Recording.  Office P.M
January 3.  In Office all day
January 4.  Attended Meeting E. Snow addressed Meeting (p. 48)  held preliminary Meeting of Washington Field
January 5.  Attended Election at Washington, resigned my position as Secretary of W. Field Canal Co.
January 6.  County Court all day.
January 7.  At Temple, Recording.  In Office P.M.  R. Bentley & Wife. I. Ivins and wives visited us in the evening sold my land in Washington Field to T. J. Jones for $500.00
January 8.  Worked in Office on Financial Report.
January 9.  Worked in Office on Washington F. Canal Books
January 10.  Worked in Office on Washington F. Canal Books.  Settled my Tithing paid $10.00 Cash $57.00 Produce and $75.00 Labor in Temple. Bought from C. Dolton his furniture am to pay him $75.00 Cash or $45.00 Cash & $60.00 Factory also a Single Harness $15.00  Total $90.00 for 2 Bedsteads 1 Round Table 7 Chairs, Bureau and Provision Safe.
January 11.  Attended Meeting.  A. N. Hinkley, Jno Ashworth, Aaron Macdonald & H. Eyring, speakers.
January 12.  Worked in Office.  ordered Goods &c.  Sent financial Report of the County and of Bridge a/c to E. Snow
January 13.  At Temple until 12 M.  Calling at Font.  in Office P.M
January 14.  At Temple.  Recording.  received Endowments for Wm Harrison.  Mary for Alice Newman who was sealed to me.  In the Office P.M. 
St. George, 1880, January            A. R. Whitehead, p. 59
January 15.  At Temple Recording, spoke to Bp Granger in relation to using the 2nd Ward School House for dancing parties, he was quite offended at my speaking to him on the subject and complained to Prest McAllister of the matter.  I saw Prest McA. in relation to the subject, referring him to the Meeting held in the Tithing Office on the subject, also to the remarks made by Prest E. Snow on the subject.  he said Prest Snows remarks he thought unkind and decided that the Bps should have charge of the School houses and if they wished to use them for Ward Sabbath School or M. I. Ass parties they had (p. 49) a right to.  I told him I did not under stand my position when one authority of the Church advised one thing and another steps in and decides to the contrary.
            Attend Probate Court P.M.  case of Bear vs Baer in Divorce. Attended Meeting of School Trustees in the evening.
January 16.  Worked in the Office all day on Probate business &c. Attended Meeting of the Presidency of the Stake and Bishops to decide whether we should again try the Vote of the People for Free Schools. decided to Petition the Trustees to call a Meeting for that purpose Bp Granger having used the School House without permission of the Trustees for dancing  the question was proposed whether we should use those not being used for Schools for dances  I made a Motion that none of them should be used, which was seconded and by request of Prest McAllister & John M. MacFarlane  I withdrew the Motion on the condition that they should not be used only by consent of the Trustees.
January 17.  In Office, worked on my a/cs.  Seth Pymm quit working for 
St. George, 1880, January         A. R. Whitehead, p. 60
me.  Attended Theatre in evening.
January 18.  Attended Meeting.  A. W. Ivins,  M. Andrus & J Gates addressed the meeting.  visited at M. Romneys  Prof Schopp[m]an took supper there with us.
January 19.  Attended the opening of Prof Schopmanns School, over 200 Pupils started, attended theatre in the evening.  Wrote to Jos Horne.
January 20.  Put up a Sewing Machine A.M.  In office P.M.  attend M. I. Assn Lecture delivered by M. P. Romney.  subject.  "He that conquers himself is greater than he that conquereth a nation"
January 21.  At Temple.  Recording.  worked in Office organized the St George Dramatists in the Evening with myself as President.  J. Gates Jr Sec & Treas, A W Ivins Stage Manager & C. E. Johnson (p. 50) Assistant. we four to pay all expenses and divide equally the profits.
January 22nd.  At Temple recording.  In Office all day.
January 23.  At Temple recording.  In Office all day.  Attended Choir Practice and 1st Ward S. S. Party
January 24.  Attended Rehearsal of Hidden hand.  In Office after 10-30. Played Woolf.  at Theatre in Evening
January 25.  Attended 4th Ward. S. School.  addressed the Children Attended Meeting.  addressed by Prof Schoppman and John L. Smith. attended Ward Meeting.  addressed by Prof Schoppman and John L. Smith. attended Ward Meeting.  addressed by Prof Schoppman and Miles P. Romney. I opened Meeting by Prayer
January 26.  Worked in Office, made deed for Mrs Houston  Attended Lecture on Phrenology in evening
January 27.  Worked in Office.  Sold my interest in Wagon business to 
St. George, 1880, January & February     A. R. Whitehead, p. 61
I. Cox for $200.00 Co Scrip
January 28.  Worked in Office at accounts.  Attended Meeting of Factory Committe[e].  Attended Rehearsal P.M.
January 29.  In Office Recording.
January 30.  In Probate Court Case of J. Hall vs Ann H Hall.
January 31.  Worked on Canaan Register.
February 1.  Attended 4th Ward S. School & Meeting
February 2.  At work on Canaan Books
February 3.  At work on Canaan Books  Attended Lecture in the evening delivered by Milo Andrus
February 4.  Worked on Canaan Books  At Temple A.M.
February 5.  Went through the Temple for James Cliff.
February 6.  At Temple and in Office at Canaan Books
February 7.  At Canaan Books all day
February 8.  Visited 3rd Ward S School.  At Meeting P.M.
February 9.  Unloading & Marking Goods.  A.M.  Divorce  case P.M.  Visited Washington Mutual Imp. Assn. in company with M. P. Romney & D. C. Robbins
February 10.  Worked in Office all day.
February 11.  At Temple Recording & Held H. in Office
February 12.  At Temple Recording & Held H. in Office
February 13.  At Temple Washing & Recording in Office
February 14.  Worked for Canaan, performed in the Rose of Ettrick Vale. part of Guy othe Gap (p. 51)
February 15.  Visited 2nd Wd S. School with M. P. Romney attended Meeting, Saml Claridge Speaker.  Mr Schoppman visited us in the evening 
St. George, 1880, February A. R. Whitehead, p. 62
February 16.  17  Worked at Ladies Coop taking Stock and turning over to the Coop.  Mass Meeting in the evening at which I was nominated as City Recorder.  Bro Eyrings child died
February 17  18  At the Ladies Store till M.  At Canaan Books.  P.M. Attended Lecture delivered by Jas G. Bleak.  History of the Church. after which managed the 4th Wd S. S. Party.
February 18  19  At Temple.  Recording.  H. Horn, Peter & V. in Office P.M.
February 19.  At Temple Recording.  Anointed.  Peter & V.  made out Papers for Cunningham.  and at Ladies Store taking Stock.  Attended Meeting of S. District in evening, much disunion and opposition to School Tax.  Motion was lost.
February 20.  At Temple Recording H. H. & Anointed.  Peter & V.  Wrote to Miss Cook sent $12.00 to her.
February 21.  Worked on Canaan Register Played Guy P.M.
February 22.  Attended Meeting.  S. Claridge Speaker
February 23.  Finished Canaan register
February 24.  Went to Silver Reef to see Halpin
February 25.  At Temple Recording.  H. H. in office P.M.
February 26.  At Temple Recording  Washed  In Office P.M.  Bought half of Butcher Shop Slaughter yard tools &c of C Dalton at Silver Reef paid him $675.00 T. J. Jones.  Note $250.0 my Note in 12 Mos.  10% interest he to do the business for $10000 per month, to divide all profits he to pay 10% on all Canaan I put in the business & I to pay the same interest on all Cash he puts in.  Wrote to Miss Cook about her Bos
February 27.  Went to Silver Reef with Dalton and secured Deed to Meat 
St. George, 1880, February & March  A. R. Whitehead, p. 63
Market. visited the Theatre in the Evening.  Play of Murphy February 28.  Returned home at One P.M. Worked in the Office. played Guy and.Natz Teik at Theatre (p. 52)
February 29.  Worked in Office A.M. Visited at E. G. Woolleys P.M.
March 1. Municipal Election, was Elected City Recorder.  County all day
March 2.  Worked in Office all day.  Attended Lecture P.M. given by Prof Schoppman.  subject  Trip around the World.
March 3.  At Temple.  Recording & Washing.  In Office P.M.
March 4.  At Temple Rec. & Clothing Worked on Ladies a/cs
March 5.  At Temple Rec. & Washing In Office P.M.
March 6.  In Office.  Went to Washington performed in the Evening. Rose of Ettrick & Swiss Cottage
March 7.  Attended Meeting.  Wrote to Miss Cook  J. W. Snell, Des News, & J. J. Page
March 8.  Probate Court.
March 9.  County Court.
March 10.  At Temple Rec. & Washing In Office P.M.
March 11.  At Temple Rec. & H Horn In Office P.M.
March 12.  At Temple Rec. & Anointing In Office P.M.  Theatre evening
March 13.  Attended Conference.  Theatre in evening
March 14.  Attended Conference Mutual & S. School Meeting in Eve
March 15.  Went to Silver Reef.  Posting Books.  Ordered Goods
March 16.  Posting Books. returned home.  Committe Meeting  Eve
March 11.  Posting Books in Office.  Temple A. M. Rec. & Anointing 
St. George, 1880, March & April   A. R. Whitehead, p. 64
March 18.  Temple Rec. & Clothing.  Posting Butcher Shop a/cs
March 19.  Temple Rec. & Washing.  Worked in Office.  Choir Practice in the Evening at Jos Ortons.  he having been called to Europe on a Mission.  this as a parting visit.  cake pie & wine passed
March 20.  In Office A.M.  City Council P.M.  Factory Board Evening
March 21.  Quite Sick with Cold.  Attended Meeting in Tabernacle
March 22.  Unwell, but worked in Office all day.
March 23.  Same.  as yesterday.  Wrote several letters.
March 24.  At Temple  Rec. H. Horn.  in Office P.M.
March 25.  At Temple Rec. Anointed  In Office P.M.
March 26.  At Temple Rec. Clothed in Office P.M.
March 27.  In Office and attended High Council P.M.
March 28.  Visited 1st Ward S. S. with M. P. Romney & E. W. Snow attended Meeting. P.M.
March 29.  Went to Silver Reef to Post Books and (p. 53) make out Bills. Went by Stage
March 30.  Posting Books, and making out Bills
March 31.  Posting Books, and making out Bills
April 1.  Posting Books, and making out Bills
April 2.  Posting Books, returned home by Stage
April 3.  Worked in Office and played Coco in Midnight Watch and Solon Shingle in the Peoples Lawer at Theatre in the evening.
April 4.  Visited 3rd Wd S. S. with M. P. Romney attended meeting, P.M.
April 5.  In Office A.M. assisted in arranging for celebration
April 6.  50th Aniversary of the Organization of the Church.  had a very enjoyable time at the Tabernacle.  which was nicely decorated. Saw C. W. Dalton this morning offered to throw in the time I had spent
St. George, 1880, April            A. R. Whitehead, p. 65
in the Butcherbuz.  if he would pay me my first investment and means I had advanced in the business.  said he would see Lucinda Lee. Performed at Theatre in the evening played Coco and Mr. Crincum in the Wandering Minstrel.
April 7.  Saw Bro. C. W Dalton, said he had talked to Lucinda and she was willing for me to withdraw from the business and would see that I did not loose anything.  At Temple Recording and Washed.  Worked in Office all day
April 8.  At Temple Recording.  Worked in Office A.M. on Estate Matters Attended Mr Schoppmans School Examination was very interesting
April 9.  Worked in Office all day, sent to Temple A M and Recorded and Held Horn.
April 10.  In Office all day.  Managed a Party in the Eve
April 11.  Went to Office done some Writing.  attended Meeting.  sent of Bill to Z. C. M. I. for Goods
April 12.  Worked in Office all day.
April 13.  Worked in Office all day.  Probate Court.  Divorce Case conducted case for Mrs. J. Gray.
April 14.  Temple  Recorded.  Called at Font & Held Horn  Worked in Office on School a/cs.
April 15.  Temple.  Recording & Clothed.  In Office.  Attended (p. 54) Board of Ladies Coop was authorized to collect their debts for 10%.
April 16.  Worked in Office.  Sent $5.00 to Putnam for Tole License. Mr. Allen of Stormont Silver Mnf Co. came in Town on business for the Co.
April 17.  Worked in Office A.M.  City Council P.M. 
St. George, 1880, April        A. R. Whitehead, p. 66
April 18.  Attended Sabbath School at Santa Clara with Bros. Romney & Snow.  talked 15 minutes returned home after School, it being very cold.
April 19.  In Office, Probate Court worked on Divorce papers
April 20.  In Office all day.
April 21.  Went by Stage to Silver Reef, to see Dalton in relation to a Settlement, he agreed to refund me what I had paid on Dalton & Whitehead a/c.  saw James of the firm of Carleton & James, told me he did not  know me in his deal with Dalton  came home.  and was quite sick all night.
April 22.  Very sick at home until 1 P.M.  went to the Office awhile, went to see Mrs Lee.  Dalton spoke to her about Mortgage of Carleton and James, that it would not hold the property thought they would want a Mortgage from her  asked her if she would not give me a Mortgage in Advance of them as my debt from her and Dalton was ahead of theirs, said she would write to Dalton about it and would see me made safe.  Wrote to C. W. Dalton on the subject.
April 23.  Went to Temple.  Recorded.  H. H. & Washed.  worked in Office P.M. did not feel well.
April 24.  Worked in Office all day.  Ordered a Bill of Goods from J Cerf & Co San Francisco per L. Sievre Agt on 4 Months time dating from date of Invoice
April 25.  Attended Meeting 1-30 P.M.  Wrote to Jos Goddard
April 26.  Worked in Office all day.  received Telegram from Carleton and James,  Answered, that I claimed an equitable interest in Butcher Shop &c until I was reimbursed.  Dalton and Carlton came down by Stage 
St. George, 1880, April & May      A. R. Whitehead, p. 67
to settle Matters.  I consented to give Carlton the first Mortgage on the Property and took Daltons Note with his Wife's jointly and a (p. 55) Mortgage on the Property.  Real and personal as security he signed dissolution of partnership with me.  the next Morning 27th before the Mail left and he agreed to send me Money as fast as he could.
April 27.  Was in Office nearly all day.
April 28.  At Temple.  Called at Font.  Recorded and Clothed  Mr Woodward arrived in Town on Grand Gulch business.  Attended Wedding dance of B. F. Coats & E. McArthur
April 29.  At Temple.  Recording.  Worked on School a/cs the rest of the day.
April 30.  At Temple Recording & H. H. worked in Office all day.
May 1.  In Office and Store all day.  3rd Ward. S. S. entertainment in the Social Hall in the Evening.
May 2.  Sunday - Attended Meeting.  W. S. McCornick came to make Lease to the Grand Gulch Mine.
May 3.  Met with Board of G. G. M. Co. and entered into an Agreement to Lease the Mine for ten years for One tenth of the Gross products. Attended Birthday party of J. E. Johnson, had a good time.
May 4.  Worked in Office all day.
May 5.  At Temple called at Font.  John & Vail.  worked in the Office P.M.
May 6.  At Temple.  Recording.  John & Vail.  In Office P.M.
May 7.  At Temple.  Recording.  John & Vail  Anointing  In Office P.M. Grand dress Ball in the evening.  given by the Theatrical Co.  I managed 
St. George, 1880, May     A. R. Whitehead, p. 68
the Party and Costumed as Red Ronald of the Leonards.
May 8.  Worked in Office all day.  City Council 4 P.M.
May 9.  Attended 2nd Ward S. School with M. P. Romney attended Meeting P.M.  visited Eliza S Calkin  she stated to me that she was engaged to be married to C. N. Smith of Rockville.
May 10.  In Office.  Probate Court.
May 11.  In Office all day.
May 12.  At Temple Calling at Font.  Recording.  Clothed.  John & Vail Worked in Office  P.M.  bought a Buggy from S. L. Adams to be paid for $100.  Canaan  $75.00 Factory, also to cancel his indebtedness to me amounting in all to about 19000
May 13.  At Temple.  Rec.  John & Vail.  Attended Circle.  Worked in Office P.M. (p. 56)
May 14.  At Temple.  Rec. Wash. Y. V.  Worked in Office P.M.
May 15.  Worked in Office all day.
May 16.  Went to Leeds and brought Mary home
May 17.  In Office all day.  Recording &c.  Probate Court
May 18.  In Office all day.  Wrote to Livington.  Halpin &c.
May 19.  At Temple.  Rec. Anointd, El. & V.  Lizzie Smith Calkin Married to Bp C. N. Smith of Rockville, Worked in Office P.M.  Surprise party at 8 P.M. of the Temple hands visiting Bros. & Sis.  Smith, had an enjoyable time.
May 21.  At Temple.  Rec. Clothing.  El. & V.  Worked in Office Saml 
St. George, 1880, May     A. R. Whitehead, p. 69
Cunningham gave me Power of Attorney to attend to all his business here for him with instructions to Discount S. L. Adams Note 10% if paid before due also to sell his G. G. Stock the same as I would my own or to do as the Majority of the Company done, but to sell on the best terms I could as soon as the Works started and if I would give him five thou- sand dollars for his interest including the Green Boy Mine he would be satisfied.
May 22.  In Office all day.  Recording &c.
May 23.  Attended 1st Ward S. School with M. P. Romney  Meeting at 2 P.M.  M. F. Farnsworth, W. Cameron and Charles Smith addressed Meeting a Bro Brown living with James Andrus died.
May 24.  In Office all day, assisting Cunningham, S. L. Adams and D. H. McAllister to settle
May 25.  In Office all day, assisting Cunningham, S. L. Adams and D. H. McAllister to settle
May 26.  Temple, Recording.  H. H. and Anointed.  came home and recorded Patents.  Wrote Letter to Halpin agreed to pay him within 30 days. Attended Exhibition of 1st Wd S. School.  very interesting.  Mary & the children all there.  Myself & Wife complimented
May 27.  Temple.  Recording.  James & Vail.  In Office P.M.
May 28.  Temple.  Recording.  H. H. Anod & Vail  Visited School P.M.
May 29.  In Office.  Mary and children attended a Picnic at W. O. Bentleys at Middleton, returned hom(e) at 8 P.M.
May 30.  Attended S. School 3rd Ward.  addressed the School  M. P. Romney also addressed them.  attended Meeting (p. 57) at 2 P.M.  M. Andrus, D. Seegmiller and Lars Larson, Speakers. 
St. George, 1880, May & June     A. R. Whitehead, p. 70
May 31.  Worked in Office all day.

June 1.  Franks Birthday (My Brother)  Worked in Office.  Rented D H McAllister Sewing Machine at $2.00 per Month  exchanged Machine with M. P. Romney  he to pay me $5.00 Cash or its equivalent
June 2.  At Temple.  Rec. at Font.  Recording.  Anointing.  Peter & Vail.  Worked on School a/cs P.M.  and sent Copy of County Financial Report for 1879 to Robt P. Porter  Cencus Agt.  Washington D. C.  Goods arrived from San Francisco.  Unpacked and Marked until 10 O'Clock
June 3.  Unpacked Goods until 8-50.  At Temple Recorded.  Clothed.  Peter Vail and attended P. Circle  Worked on School a/cs P.M.
June 4.  At Temple Washed, Recorded Peter & Vail.  Probate Court.  In Office P.M.
June 5.  In Office all day.
June 6.  Visited Washington Sab. S. Addressed the School also Meeting P.M.  accompanied by M. P. Romney and my Wife.  visited J. E. Pace and enjoyed ourselves.
June 7.  County Court all day.  Election of Trustees P.M.  R. Bentley Elected for 3 years  Thos Judd for 1 year and myself for 2 years.
June 8.  County Court, visited the Bridge and returned and held Court. Attended Smiths Panorama P.M.  exhibited the 7 Wonders of the World.
June 9.  At Temple Calling at Font.  Recorded & Held Horn  In Office all day  after 10-30 A.M.  Prest E Snow & B. Young arrived in St George from S. L. City.
June 10.  My Birthday.  At Temple.  Recording.  Son George made me a Present of a large Rocking Chair, his Mother the cushions.  Surprise St. George, 1880, June           A. R. Whitehead, p. 71 (77)
party in the evening, to wit.  R. Bentley, Wife and Daughter, Israel Ivins, two wives & Daughter, E. G. Woolley & Wife, C. E. Johnson & Wife, E. A. Ivins, Ida Woolley, Jed Woolley, E. Schoppman, H. McQuarrie, Mr Billings, G. A. Orson, Josephine, Georgianna & Martha Snow, W. H. Branch Jr & Wife, Bros Smith & Sperry (Musicians) Bro Ludlow and Mill L. Gardner, R. Branch, A. Macfarlane, & Others.
June 11.  At Temple.  Recording & Anointing  In Office P.M.
June 12.  Conference.  Attended Exhibition in Eveg.  Pyramids &c (p. 58)
June 13.  Attended Conference.  Bro & Sister Oscar Wood stayed with us all night.
June 14.  I worked in Office all day on Probate Matters
June 15.  I worked in Office all day on Probate Matters
June 16.  At Temple, calling at Font, & Recording.  heard the Adams Mine was jumped, consulted all day about the Matter with Bros Bentley & others.  held Meeting of Board and sent 6 men out.  to work on the Mine.
June 17.  At Temple.  Rec. Held H. An. Washed & Clothed.  Mary E. confined at 8-35 P.M.
June 18.  At Temple Rec. & Washed.  In Office P.M. attended 4th Wd. S. S. Exhibition in the Evening.
June 19.  In Office A.M. send brands to be recorded for Mills and Pymm. City Council 2 P.M.
June 20.  Mary G. and myself made a visit to Andrew Sorensens Washington, had a good visit.  I attended meeting there  Prest E. Snow, Milo Andrus &c.  Smith being the Speakers.  returned home at 8 P.M. St. George, 1880, June & July      A. R. Whitehead, p. 72 (78)
June 21.  Capt. H. S. Lubbock & Mrs. Liddle made us a visit took dinner Mayor R. Bentley & Lady and Judge Macfarlane and Mrs. E. G. Wooley visited us in the afternoon and stayed for Supper  Attended Caucus Meeting for the Election of Delegates to County Convention at 7-30 P.M.
June 22.  In Office, Abstracting and Recording A.M.  City Council at 2 P.M.  G. G. M. Co. Meeting 7 P.M.
June 23.  In Office all day  Recording &c.  At Temple A.M.  Recording
June 24.  At Temple.  Recording &c Bought a Mare for 125.00 Canaan bought a lot of Goods from J. Ross for Factory pay
June 25.  At Temple.  Rec. & Clothing, last day of work in the Temple Closed until Sept 1st.  In Office.  Visited Schoppmans School examination.  being the last day of School.  until Sept 1st. Engaged Schoppman to Teach again for $100.00 per Month and Board.  Cash and Store pay.
June 26.  In Office all day.
June 27.  Mary, Erastus & Mamie started for Salt Lake, went with them as far as Leeds, returned home at 9 P.M.
June 28.  In Office all day
June 29.  In Office all day  County Court (p. 59)
June 30.  In Office all day
July 1.  In Office all day Wrote to Mary
July 2.  In office all day
July 3.  In Office all day  City Council P.M.  Trustees Meeting.  D. Park & M. Hardy presen(t)
July 4.  Celebration M. P. Romney, A. W. Ivins & myself, made Speeches St. George, 1880, July A. R. Whitehead, p. 73 (79)
this being my first attempt at a Public Speech on a given subject, spoke on the History of the United States &c  took Dinner at home.  Meeting P.M.  Prests Snow & McAllister addressed the Meeting.  Prest Snow spoke of the firm of Woolley Lund & Judd doing injury to the people by trusting them &c  took Supper with Bro Romney.
July 5.  Co. Court A. M. Convention 2 P.M.  was renominated for County Recorder and County Clerk.  Theatre in the Evening.
July 6.  In Office.  Probate Court.  Divorce suit.  Wrote to Mary Attended Meeting of Committee for 24th myself Foreman.
July 7.  Worked in Office on Tax List &c all day.
July 8.  Worked in Office all day.  B. M. Ellerbeck came in with Q. Nebeker & R. Bentley, to compromise matters in relation to relocating the Adams Mine.  Ellerbeck stating he did not know the Mine had been worked and properly recorded.  Agreed that he and E. A. Smith would quit claim to the G. G. M. Co. their new locations called the Grandma, and George Washington, I drew up the Deed for him to take to Salt Lake and he agreed to sign and have Smith do so and return it.  I paid him One Dollar as the Consideration.
July 9.  Worked in Office, paid F. Green $33.96 in Flour, Grain & Canaan for hauling 1132 feet of Lumber from Trumbull $14.00 in Flour & Grain & $19.45 Canaan.
July 10.  In Office all day.  Attended Com. Meeting for the 24th in evening.
July 11.  Visited Price S. School with M. P. Romney.  Wrote to Mary
July 12.  In Office Co. Court A. M. making Election Notices P.M.  Sent 12.75 to Deseret News.  Sent $5.00 to Recorder of Arizona and wrote for St. George, 1880, July   A. R. Whitehead, p. 74 (80)
Cert Copy of Adams Mining Notice.
July 13.  Worked in Office all day.
July 14.  Worked in Office all day.
July 15.  Worked in Office til 12 M.  heard of death of Elizth Wilkinson at Leeds  she died at 2 A.M.  got a Carriage and took Mary, Annie and  Ann Eliza Wells over  arrived there at 7 P.M.  just as they were loading up to go (p. 62 -left pages 60 & 61 blank - nothing left out of diary) to the grave yard.  Joseph T. Wilkinson felt very bad, she died leaving 5 children younges(t) two weeks old.  complaint.  Milk fever.  Staid all night and returned home at 10 A.M. on the 16th.  Worked on Election Registers the balance of the day
July 17.  In Office all day.  City Council 2 P.M.
July 18.  Made out Programme for the Celebration of the 24th.  Attended Meeting at 2 P.M.  S. L. Adams spoke
July 19.  Worked in Office all day.  bought 10 Sewing Machines from S. L. Adams  $275.00  Canaan Stock & $20.00 Cash
July 20.  Worked in Office all day, read letter from S. L. Adams to Jos. F. Smith in which he complained of our having no financial head over our Stake Organization &c
July 21.  Worked in Office all day.  attended Committee Meeting in evening
July 22.  Worked in Office all day  Sent to Calder for Organ for Romney
July 23.  Worked in Office and prepared for the 24th Celebration
July 24.  Assisted in preperations for Celebration, took charge of the Meeting.  had an excellent Celebration the main features of the Occasion being Five Minute Speeches well interspersed with Singing and Music. St. George, 1880, July & August        A. R. Whitehead, p. 75 (81)
I sang a Comic Song.  "Soap Starch & Candles" the Athletic sports in the Afternoon were quite a success.  Visited with Bro R Morris in the evening.
July 25.  Wrote to Mary done a little writing in the Office  Attended Meeting.  Bros Shipp and Gates addressed the Meeting.  took a Buggy ride after Meeting.
July 26.  In Office most of the day.  sold X. F. Slagowski a Sewing Machine and let him have a small Bill of Goods to sell on Commission.
July 27.  In Office and repaired Knitter for Bro Funk
July 28.  In Office A.M.  Knitting P.M. on Bro Funk Machine
July 29.  In Office Sent $30.00 to Singer Mnfg Co.  $10.00 to Bancroft Sent to Catter for S. S. Books and ordered Goods from Z. C. M. I.
July 30.  Worked in Store all day repairing Sewing Machines
July 31.  In Office all day
August 1.  Went to Santa Clara Addressed the School and Meeting M. P. Romney & myself  Addressed the School and Meeting
August 2.  General Election was Elected Co Clerk and Recorder.
August 3.  Visited Silver Reef with M. P. Romney
August 4.  Worked in Office all day.  (p. 63)
August 5.  Worked in Office all day.  Convassing Votes &c
August 6.  Worked in Office all day Recording &c
August 7.  Worked in Store repairing Machines
August 8.  Attended Meeting.  Wm Barnes returned Missionary W. H. Branch and Jacob Gates.  spoke, took a Buggy ride in the evening.
August 9.  In Office making Election Abstract and Certificates St. George, 1880, August A. R. Whitehead, p. 76 (82)
August 10.  In Office Worked at Tax List &c  Factory Board
August 11.  In Office all day.
August 12.  Went to the Washington Factory with J Gates as a Committee inspection  found it out of Wool and supplies.
August 13.  In Office A.M.  Attended Board Meeting of Factory P.M.
August 14.  Attended Picnic of Sunday School children at Bulls head. large attendance all enjoyed it.
August 15.  Attended Meeting.  H. Eyring.  C Smith & M. Andrus speakers received a letter from Mary and answered it.
August 16.  In Office.  sent $5.00 check to Deseret News Office  Also $56.00 to Singer Mnfg Co.  1 Check No 27113  Silver Reef Utah June 12th 1880.  Wells Fargo & Company Salt Lake City  Bearer on order.  $50.# John H Rice Cashier.  1 $5.00 & $1.00 Greenback.  Check endorsed by me to L. E. Hall or Singer Mnfg Co.  Jos. T. Wilkinson came over with a sick child to have him doctored
August 17.  In Office all day.  Notified C W Dalton that his Note was past due.  took tea at Bro Bentleys
August 18.  In Office all day.  lent Jos. T. W. my horse and Buggy to take home his children.  the boy being better.
August 19.  In Office all day.
August 20.  In Office all day.
August 21.  In Office A.M.  City Council P.M. at Mayor Bentleys
August 22.  Attended Meeting E. G. Woolley, J. G. Bleak & C. Smith preached
August 23  County Court. St. George, 1880, August            A. R. Whitehead, p. 77 (83)
August 24.  County Court.
August 25.  In Office, A.M.  P.M. Meeting of Trustees
August 26.  In Office Received Letter from Mother, also a copy of a Letter from My Father as follows,  written in England just previous to our starting for America, when bidding him goodbye for the last time (p. 64)      March, 1855
My Dear Children
            These few words your Father addresses to you, although insignificant now m[a]y perhaps at some future time be servicable to you.  I am about being seperated from my Children perhaps for ever.  You are leaving a father, who which circumstances have divided from you has endeavored to contribute to your support so far as he could, and when sorrow urges him to address some parting words to you, hoping that when seas divide us they may cause you some consolation in your distress or affliction in sorrow or trouble remember that although deprived of my advice and assistance you have a father whom no seas can seperate, one always present always ready to hear and to help.
Imperfect as I am my advice may be inconsistent with my actions, but nevertheless follow it as if it came from a better man.  Make the New Testament your guide study the Character and laws of Jesus Christ pray to him to guide you and help you he will hear and grant his protection to his children in every affliction, God the universal Father who is every where present who now knows my desire to urge you to a full reliance upon his love as a source of strength and comfort to you when your earthly father, however loud your cry, cannot hear and help St. George, 1880, August & September            A. R. Whitehead, p. 78 (84)
you.  Remember my dear Children you are going to a Country where labor must be your resource for a livelihood.  What your hands find to do, do it with all your heart.  Do not forget your duty to your Mother.  Assist her by your strength, and (p. 65) should sickness or poverty overtake her comfort and support her.
            Be honest, let not shame depress you at meeting a Man you have wronged stand erect on the conviction of having acted right to your neighbor.
Be Sober, Oh my boys, if you knew which God grant the degredation the present helpless idiocy of a Man steeped in drink the unalterable agony of mind, the incessant gnawing of the worm, that never dies in a drunkards heart, you would avoid it whilst in your power, the fatal, facinating, fiendish cup.
I have little more to say.  I hope I need not invite you to love and help each other.  Brothers love and Cherish Sister Clara attend upon and bless help my thoughts my love will be with think sometimes of me and at every convenient opportunity write to me as I will to you should I be spared, should any change for the better occur in my fortune you all shall partake of it  you are my children.
August 27.  In Office all day.  28th do 29th attended meeting.  30th & 31st  In Office, attend meeting at the Temple at 10 A M. 31st.
September 1.  At Temple.  Recording, Held H. & James,  In Office
September 2.  At Temple.  Recording  Anointed & James.  In Office
September 3.  At Temple.  Recording  James.  In Office
September 4.  In Office  City Council P.M.  Mary E. went to Leeds. St. George, 1880, September            A. R. Whitehead, p. 79 (85)
September 5.  Quite unwell.  Attended Meeting.  took dinner at Prest. Snows
September 6.  County Court all day.  Mary returned home
September 7.  Went to Leeds with Water Commissioners to meet the Commissioners of Kane County, held Meeting at Bp Crosbys, was appointed Secretary of joint-Commission arrived home at 10 P.M. and worked in the Office till 2 A.M. of the 8th recording for Segel & Marks (p. 66)
September 8.  At Temple.  Recording.  Peter & V.  M. M. Farnsworth commenced at 1 P.M. to assist me in the Office
September 9.  At Temple.  Recording H. H.  Peter & V.  In Office P.M.
September 10.  At Temple.  Recording H. H.  Peter & V.  In Office P.M.
September 11.  In Office till 9-30 A.M.  Attended Conference
September 12.  Attended Conference.  & Conference of S. School Supts & Teachers & Mutual Imp. Assns in the evening.
September 13.  In Office all day
September 14.  In Office all day
September 15.  In Office P.M.  Temple A.M.  Rec.  Anointed, John & Vail
September 16.  At Temple Rec.  In Office P.M.
September 17.  At Temple Rec.  Clothed, Washed, John & Vail  sent P. O. order to Cerf & Co. S. F.
September 18.  Started to Salt Lake City in 1 Horse Buggy.  left Mary M. Farnsworth to attend Office.  Went to Belleview stayed at Bro Gates
September 19.  Travelled to Johnsons Fort.  stayed all night with Bro Jones, who was very kind
September 20.  looked very Stormy, but left Johnsons at 4 A.M. arriving St. George, 1880, September     A. R. Whitehead, p. 80 (86)
at Minersville about Noon  left my Buggy with Bp. McKnight, charged 25 cents per day for care and feed of my horse.  took the Coach for Milford arrived there at 2 P.M.  fell in company with G. F. Culmer Esq of Salt Lake.  put up at the Milford House
September 21st.  Took Train for Salt Lake, enjoyed the trip in Company with Mr Sloch of San Francisco  ordered a Bill of Goods from the firm he represented.  arrived in the City at 6-30 P.M.  surprised the folks, they not expecting me till next day found all well.
September 22.  Visited George.  Clara and Mother.
September 23.  looked around the City
September 24.  Went to Clara's spent nearly all day with her
September 25.  looked around the city
September 26th.  Visited 13th Ward Sabbath School.  talked to the Children, attended Meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 P.M.  Apostle O. Pratt and Elder Peter Ried spoke  Attended Ward Meeting 13th in evening  Bros.  W. Eddington and Fowler spoke.  (p. 67)
September 27.  Visited Z. C. M. Ins. and other places
September 28.  Brigham H. Goddard and Lulu Kelly married  Mary and Myself attended them to the Endowment House.  had a Grand reception & Supper, about Eighty persons present, all of which gave them some token of friendship as Wedding presents.
September 29.  Received a letter from T. J. Jones Supt. R. V. M. Co. to purchase a Boiler for the Factory at Washington spent all day examining Boilers
September 30.  Spent all day examining Boilers  wrote to T. J. Jones recommending an Egg end Boiler I had seen.  attended Bishops Meeting St. George, 1880, October           A. R. Whitehead, p. 81 (87)
in the Evening.
October 1.  Visited Jennings & Sons about Grand Gulch business
October 2.  Visited around the City with my Son George, and ordered a Bill of Goods from Jno W. Snell.  visited Claras in the evening with Mary & the Children, Mother, Eliza and Jenny also Jos. D. Lyon.  had a good time.
October 3rd.  Visited the 14th Ward Sabbath School and Tabernacle services in the Afternoon.  13th Ward in the evening.
October 4th  At George's Visiting.  had an excellent time
October 5.  Called on Jennings,  Went to Depot, to see Bro Sharp purchased some Church works from Juv. Ins. Office  Visited the Secretary of the Territory, Mr Thomas  Ordered Goods from G. F. Culmer, Paints & Glass  took supper at Eliza's received Telegram from F. R. Snow to secure Boiler
October 6 to 10th.  Conference, attended all the Meetings also Convention as Delegate from Kane County to make Nomination for Delegate to Congress. G. Q. Cannon chosen  Attended Meetings of Sab. School Superintendents also Y. M. M. Imp Association.  Prest Jno Taylor chosen Prest of the Church, Geo. Q. Cannon and Jos. F. Smith his councellors, Jno H. Smith and F. Lyman filling there places in the Twelve.  still leaving one Vacancy.
October 11.  Started for home on Utah S. Rail Road at 7 A.M.  arrived at Milford at 9-20 P.M. had a rather rough Company of Soldiers from Juab in the Car.  had been Snowing near all day. (p. 68)  had quite a job to get a bed at the Hotel all being taken up.  was about to get St. George, 1880, October         A. R. Whitehead, p. 82 (88)
into bed and was disturbed by W. Jack who was very drunk  had to be put out of the Hotel.  his wife. (Inez Maybert) screaming "Not to hurt him &c)  George Adolphus & Erastus slept in the Wagons with the Boys.
October 12.  Saw about the Freight and sent my wife and Mamie to Minersville with a Team going there left the Boys to come with the freight Teams and I rode to Minersville with Saml Leigh of Cedar  being rather cold, stayed there with Bp. McKnight till
October 13.  Started with the Buggy, and travelled to Cedar stayed with Bro Birkbeck all night.
October 14.  Travelled to Leeds,  Blew very hard while coming through the Sand, stopped at Bp. Crosby's
October 15.  Travelled to Washington by dinner, stopped at Bro McReavey's and arrived home at 3 P.M.
October 16.  In Office all day.
October 17.  Went to Price in the afternoon.
October 18.  In Office all day
October 19.  In Office all day
October 20.  At Temple Recorded & Anointed.  In Office P.M.
October 21.  At Temple  Recorded & Clothed  In Office P.M.
October 22.  At Temple Recorded & Washed  In Office P.M.
October 23.  In Office and Store all day
October 24.  Attended 4th Wd Sab. School and Meeting P.M.
October 25.  In Office all day
October 26.  In Office all day
October 27.  At Temple.  Recording & Anointed.  Office P.M. St. George, 1880, October & November   A. R. Whitehead, p. 83 (89)
October 28.  At Temple.  Recording. & Anointed.  Office P.m.
October 29.  At Temple.  Recording. & Anointed.  Office P.M.
October 30.  In Office all day.  Played Dionysius in Damon & Pythias
October 31.  Visited with Bro Romney 1st Wd S. School attended Meeting
November 1.  Probate Court all day.
November 2.  Election for Delegate to Congress was chosen one of the Judges
November 3.  At Temple.  Rec. and at Font.  Office P.M.
November 4.  At Temple.  Rec. Factory Board Meeting & Office P.M.
November 5.  At Temple.  Rec.  Office P.M.
November 6.  Attended Canaan and Factory Stock holders Meetings was reelected a Member of the Factory Board played Damon & Pythias, to a full House.  (p. 69)
November 7th.  Took dinner with S. L. Adams Jr and other friends Attended Meeting P.M.  Addressed by Prest E. Snow and Angus M. Cannon. Bro and Sister Wood came to visit us.  Went to Wd Meeting. and enjoyed the visit afterwards  Bro & Sis Wood staying all night.
November 8.  Canvassing Election Returns.  Peoples Ticket 713 and Liberals 176, in the County.  City Councel 4 P.M.
November 9.  Worked in Office all day
November 10.  At Temple & Office A.M.  2 P.M. Board Meeting R. V. M. Co.
November 11.  At the Factory on business as Executive Committee in Company with J Gates, E. W. Snow and Prest E. Snow
November 12.  In Office all day.
November 13.  In Office all day.
November 14.  Went to Washington,  Attended Meeting.  Spoke to the People St. George, 1880, November       A. R. Whitehead, p. 84 (90)
November 15.  Probate Court.  all day.  Temple  A.M.
November 16.  In Office all day.  attended Y. M. Mutual.  Wm Burton and Moroni Snow visited as Missionaries.
November 17.  In Office all day.  Attended Y. M. at Washington in company with W. Burton, M. Snow, M. P. Romney & Jno Carter
November 18.  At Temple A.M.  Office P.M.
November 19.  At Temple  Rec'g & Anointing.  In Office P.M.
November 20.  In Office A.M.  City Council P.M.
November 21.  Attended 3rd Wd S. School.  Meeting P.M.  Milo Andrus preached.  Attended Theological Class at 4 P.M.  J. G. Bleak spoke on Palestine & the 12 Tribes of Jacob.  Visited at E. G. Woolleys in the evening.  Bro & Sister Bentley present
November 22.  My Wedding day been married 18 years.  Marys. Birthday aged 36.  Georges aged 17 and Mary Elizas ages Six.  presented Mary with a Bedroom Clock  George a Picture of Prest Young, Mamie, a plated Knife & Fork & Spoon.  Worked in Office all day and had Company in the evening.  had an enjoyable time.  present, Bro & two Sisters Macfarlane, Bro Adams, Bro & two Sister Ivins, Sister Bentley, E. G. Woolley & Wife,
W. E. Dodge & Wife & E. Schoppman.
November 23.  Alice Goddard Married Orson Woolley,  Worked in Office all day, attended Mutual in evening.  Jos. F. Wilkinson and daughter Emily stopped all night with us.
November 24.  At Temple.  Recording. & Washed.  In Office P.M.
November 25.  At Temple  Anointed & Recorded  In Office P.M.  (p. 70)
November 26.  At Temple.  Rec. & Clothed.  Sent $6.90 to Geo Barnard St. George, 1880, November & December            A. R. Whitehead, p. 85 (91)
& Co.  Wrote to L. E. Hall, & John Rohner, worked in Office
November 27.  Worked in Office all day
November 28.  Attended 3rd Ward Sab. School in Company with Supt Romney put in Hector McQuarrie as Supt and R. G. McQuarrie and F. B. Woolley his Assistants.  I set apart F. B. Woolley.  attended Meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 P.M.  E. B. Snow and H. Eyring were the Speakers. attended Choir practice at 3-30 and the Theological Class at 4 P.M. Was mouth in prayer  Bro Bleak took suddenly sick.  I took him home in a Buggy  Mary G. and myself took supper at E. G. Woolleys  Bro & Sis Bentley present.
November 29.  Worked in the Office all day
November 30.  Worked in the Office all day  Attended the W. M. M. I. Assn in the evening.  my Son George rendered the Book of Mormon exercise very well for his first attempt.
December 1.  At Temple Rec & H. Horn.  Attended P. Circle  Priesthood Meeting in the evening.  Oscar Wood stayed all night with us.  Received a letter from Mother
December 3.  At Temple.  Rec & Anointed.  In Store.  Painting Organ & Sewing Machine, repaired Accordeons.  Attended Rehearsal in the evening.
December 4.  In the Office all day.  performed in London Assurance in the evening.  part of Mark Meddle.
December 5.  Attended Meeting T. Colburn, F. W. Jones & Milo Andrus addressed the Meeting.  Wrote to Mother & Jos Goddard sent him $2.00 St. George, 1880, December    A. R. Whitehead, p. 86 (92)
Attended Theological Class & Joined as a Member.  the Subject talked upon "What is the Second death."  Bro Bleaks answer "Death of or dis solution of the Spirit.  Bro & Sis Bentley and Bro & Sister E. G. Woolley took Supper with us.
December 6.  County Court and Probate Court all day.
December 7.  Worked in Office A.M.  Visited the Schools with Trustee R. Bentley P.M.  attended Mutual in the evening.
December 8.  At the Temple.  Recording and Anointing.  Works in the Office.  Wrote to Mrs. Barratt & others.  Rehearsal in the evening. (p. 71)
December 9.  At the Temple  Rec. & Anointing.  Worked in Office all day
December 10.  At the Temple Rec. & Washing.  Worked in Office all day
December 11.  In Office all day  worked on City Books
December 12.  Attended Meeting in Tabernacle
December 13.  In Office all day
December 14.  In Office all day  Attended Y. M. M. Imp. Assn in evening
December 15.  In Office all Morning opening Goods P.M.
December 16.  Went to the factory on Company's business
December 17.  At the temple Recorded.
December 18.  Conference all day.  Jno Empey Killed himself, sat on the Coroners Jury.
December 19.  Conference, was sustained as 2nd Councellor to Bp D H Cannon
December 20.  Worked in Store nearly all day.  paid my Tithing for 1880, $140.
December 21.  Worked in Store & Office all day.
December 22.  At Temple Washed & Recorded.  In Office P.M. St. George, 1880, December       A. R. Whitehead, p. 87 (93)
December 23.  At Temple  Anointed & Recorded.  Attended Celebration of Joseph Smiths Birthday in the Tabernacle.  commencing at 2 P.M.  Addresses by Jacob Gates, H. Eyring, M Andrus  E. Barney, S. Foster, Prest J. D. T. McAllister, Bro Nobles Eliza R. Snow & Zina Young, both Wives of the Prophet Joseph.  In the evening attended an entertainment in the Social Hall celebrating the occasion, where cake, apples & Wine were distributed and Speeches Songs and Dancing was the order of the evening.
December 24.  At the Temple.  Recording & Held Horn, in the Office and Store the remainder of the day.  Managed a party in the Hall in the evening under the Auspices of the Young Mens Mutual Imp. Association.
December 25.  Christmas Day.  In the Store until 1 P.M.  took dinner at E. G. Woolleys.  attended and Managed Leap year Ball in the evening.
December 26.  Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle.
December 27.  County Court all day.
December 28.  In Office all day
December 29.  At Temple.  Rec. Held Horn.  Yehoval & Vale.  In Office P.M.
December 30.  At Temple.  Rec. Anointed Yehoval & Vale.  In Office P.M.
December 31.  At Temple.  Rec.  Anointed Yehoval & Vale.  In Office P.M. St. George, 1881, January   A. R. Whitehead, p. 88 (94)
January 1, 1881.  Spent the day chiefly on the Square.
January 2.  Attended Meeting and Ward Meeting in the evening
January 3.  In Office attended Election of G. G. M. Co.  P.M.  Rehearsal in the evening.  (p. 72)
January 4.  Worked in Office A.M.  City Council P.M.
January 5.  At Temple.  Recording.  Eloheim and Vail.  Worked in Office P.M.
January 6.  At Temple same as yesterday.  Attended Rehearsal in evening
January 7.  At Temple same as yesterday.  Office P.M.  Meeting of Board of Grand Gulch Mng Co. at 4 P.M.  Rehearsal in the evening.
January 8.  Received Goods from the East opened them.  Worked in Office the remainder of the day.  Performed at Theatre in the evening.
January 9.  Went to Meeting.  1 P.M.  H. Eyring & Bro Bramhall Preached
January 10.  Worked in Office all day
January 11.  Worked in Office all day
January 12.  At Temple Rec. H. Horn & Witness.  Juie A Ivins and Aaron J Macdonald Married.  was invited to Party in the eve.g did not go.
January 13.  At Temple.  Rec. & H. Horn, Worked in Office.  George not very well.
January 14.  At Temple.  Rec. & Washed.  Worked in Office  Dolphys Birthday
January 15.  In Office all day.  performed at Theatre Eveg Cocodasse & Trotter.
January 16.  Attended Meeting.  Wm Marsden preached.  Attended Theological Class Subject, "Who was the father of the Negroes"  Given by St. George, 1881, January    A. R. Whitehead, p. 89 (95)
Jas G. Bleak proved by the Bible and from the Pearl of Great Price, that Hams wife being a Canaanite brought the dark Skin blood through the Ark and the Curse of Noah on Canaan the son of Ham, reinstated the dark of Negro race.  Attended the Ward Meeting in the evening, it being very Stormy all day but few elderly people were out.  Bp Cannon nor Counselor Platt not being there I took charge of the meeting.
January 17.  Opened and marked Goods in the A.M. and worked in the Office P.M. attended Meeting, of Dramatic Co. in the evening was elected Stage Manager in place of M. P. Romney resigned
January 18.  Worked in Office all day.  Met at 4 P.M. to cast Kathleen Mauoureen
January 19.  Worked at Temples.  Rec. & Washing  Office P.M.
January 20.  Worked at Temple.  Rec.  H. Horn & Vail  Office P.M.
January 21.  Worked at Temple.  Rec. & Anointing & Vail  Office P.M.
January 22.  Worked in Office all day.  performed in Dukes Mottoe & Statue
January 23.  Attended Meeting.  D. Tyler preached.  Attended Class 4 P.M.  Ward Meeting in the Evening addressed by S. L. Adams & A. T. MacDonald
January 24.  Worked in Office all day.
January 25.  Worked in Office all day.
January 26.  At Temple Rec.  Peter & Vail.  Office P.M.
January 27.  At Temple Rec.  Peter & Vail.  Office P.M. (P. 73)
January 28th.  At Temple Rec.  Peter & Vail.  Office P.M.
January 29.  In Office all day.  Theatre in the evening.  Dukes Motto
January 30.  4 A.M. Louella daughter of Mary G. born, quite unwell with St. George, 1881, January & February A. R. Whitehead, p. 90 (96)
cold on my lungs.  did not attend Meeting.
January 31.  Probate Court.  business all day.
February 1.  In Office all day.  sold the Long Valley Farm for $300. took Jas Clark's Note payable to Jas Andrus in Stock.  agreed to give Quit Claim Deed on receipt of order from Andrus that he had paid the Stock Christiansens Mormon Panorama in the City.  Mary and the Children attended.
February 2.  At the Temple.  Rec. & H. Horn.  In Office P.M.  attended Panorama in the evening.  consisting of Views of early scenes of the Church
February 3.  At Temple.  Rec. & Anointed.  In Office.  attended Priest- hood meeting at 6-30 P.M.  the Panorama was exhibited to the S. S. Children and general public at 7-30 P.M. in the upper room of the Tabernacle  I was called upon to Lecture upon the Subjects of the Views. being, Jos. Smiths Visions and early history and persecutions of the Saints, views of Kirtland and Nauvoo Temples &c it being my first attemp(t) I was quite timid in starting out, but done much better than I had expected to.  talked until I was quite hoarse.
February 4.  At Temple.  Rec. & H. H.  took charge of Childrens Party P.M.  and Ward Party in the evening.  had a very good time.  took Laura Gardner to the party
February 5th.  Worked in Office.  A.M.  City Council P.M.
February 6th.  Went to the Office.  Wrote Letters to Jos Goddard & My Mother to D. P. Whedon and to Lorenzo Watson of Kanab.  Attended Meeting at 2 P.M.  Milo Andrus preached his farewell sermon, before leaving for St. George, 1881, February          A. R. Whitehead, p. 91 (97)
Green River.  Attended Class, 4 P.M.  Addressed by Elder D. Tyler, on the subject of "How the Blood of Ephraim became scattered among the Gentiles"  Attended Ward Meeting in the evening  time occupied by Bp Thos. S. Terry and Myself.  Myself & son George blessed the baby, Louella
February 7th.  Made deed from Thos. Riding, of lot 4 Bl 2, Plat A, St George, and agreed with John H. Miles to deliver said deed or make one to him or his Assigns.  provided he paid me for it as follows $150.00 Canaan Stock and 25.00 Cash bearing interest at 18% per Annum. (in margin J. H. Miles See my Agreement in Letter Book.) (P. 74)
Jan (sic) 8 Tuesday.  Worked in Office all day.  Attended Lecture in Evening.
February 9 Wed.  At Temple.  Rec. Anointed.  In Office P.M.  Rehearsal Evening
February 10 Thurs.  At Temple.  Rec. Anointed.  In Office P.M.  Choir Practice Evening
February 11 Fri.  At Temple  H. Horn & Rec.  In Office P.M.  Commenced Painting Porch
February 12 Sat.  In Office all day.  Played in Groaning Statue in evening
February 13. Sun.  Attended Meeting.  Moroni Snow addressed the Meeting. attended Class at 4 P.M.  Ward Meeting in the evening.  J. M. Macfarlane Preached
February 14. Mon.  In Office all day till 4 P.M.  Painted in the evening
February 15. Tues.  In Office all day till 4 P.M.  Painted in the evening
February 16 Wed.  At Temple.  Clothed & Rec.  In Office P.M.  the evening Painted. St. George, 1881, February & March  A. R. Whitehead, p. 92 (98)
February 17 Thur.  At Temple, Clothed & Rec.  In Office P.M.  Wrote to Bro. Funk.
February 18. Fri.  At Temple.  H. H. & Rec.  In Office P.M.
February 19. Sat.  In Office all day.  City Council 2 P.M.  Theatre in evening
February 20 Sun.  Attended Meeting.  Theological Class & Ward Meeting
February 21 Mon.  Mary very sick.  at home nearly all day.  Rehearsal at night
February 22 T.  In Office and Store all day.  Mary still very ill
February 23 W. At Temple.  Rec.  Mary a little better.
February 24. T.  At Temple.  Rec. & Clothed.  In Office all day
February 25 Fri.  At Temple Rec.  In Office all day  Ward Party. evening
February 26 Sat.  In Office A.M.  High P. Quorum Meeting 2 P.M.  Priest- hood M.  7 P.M.
February 27 S.  Attended Meeting.  addressed by Apostle Woodruff.  T. Class 4 P.M.  subject "Marriage"  Ward Meeting 7 P.M.  G. Teasdale & W. Woodruff Preached
February 28 M.  In Office.  Canvassed Votes of Silver Reef Election &c
March 1 29 Tues.  At Temple.  Received End.t for Gilbert Hart.  for Bro Woodruff.  Anointed. & Worked at Vail.  2nd Wd Exhibition in evening
March 2nd Wed.  At Temple H.H. & Rec.  In Office P.M.  Rehearsal in the evening
March 3rd T.  At Temple Clothed & Rec.  Attended Fast Meeting, blessed two children
March 4th F.  At Temple  Rec.  In Office P.M. St. George, 1881, March     A. R. Whitehead, p. 93 (99)
March 5th S.  At Temple  In Office P.M.  performed Polydor in Ingoman at Theatre
March 6 S.  At Meeting.  Class.  at 4 P.M.  Wd Meeting in evening
March 7 M.  In Office, County Court.
March 8 T.  In Office, all day
March 9 W.  At Temple  Clothed & Rec.  Endowed for Gilbert Gates, visited at Bro J. Gates in evening.  his 70th Birthday.  Mary G. Accompanied me.
March 10 T.  At Temple.  H. H. & Rec.  In Office.  Sorting papers  Mrs Whitmore married Jno Casey.  did not feel well on seeing him admitted in the Temple
March 11 F.  At Temple.  Rec & Anointed.  told Bp Cannon the feelings of the people were considerably worked up because Casey was admitted in the Temple.  said I would not have recommended him.  In Office P.M. (p. 75)
March 12 S.  In Office all day.  (13)  Attended Meeting
March 14 M.  In Office all day  (15)  In Store all day
March 16 W.  At Temple.  Rec. & Wash room  (17)  The same as yesterday.
March 18 Fri.  At Temple.  Rec. & Wash High Priests Meeting P.M.
March 19 Sat.  Conference.  Was Appointed Stake Supt of S. Schools
March 20 Sun.  Conference  Present of the Twelve, J. H. Smith, F. M. Lyman  B. Young & W. Woodruff, had an excellent conference  held Quarterly Conference of Supts & Teachers of S. S in evening
March 21.  In Office all day.  (22)  At Temple  A.M.  Rec. at font. Received a Telegram from E. Snow to meet him at Parowan. St. George, 1881, March     A. R. Whitehead, p. 94 (100)
March 23.  Started in my Buggy for Parowan arrived at Leeds took dinner and drove to Belleview.
March 24.  Left Belleview with Bro Gates, drove to Kanara  took dinner with John Berry and drove to Cedar  stopped at Bro Birkbecks, attended Meeting in evening
March 25.  Drove to Summit for dinner took dinner with Bro J. M. Truman. drove to Parowan and put up at Bro H. D. Bayliss's  met Prest Snow and attended Exhibition of Young Mens & Young Ladies Mutual Imp Assn.  8 little Boys played a tune on Tin Whistles very nicely.
March 26.  Attended Conference, after Reports, J. D. T. McAllister, E. Snow, W. Woodruff, J. H. Smith and F. M. Lyman addressed the Meetings Morning, Afternoon and evening.  held Board Meeting of the Zions Coop Rio Vir Mng Co.  Between Meetings the 5 Members of the Twelve were present, also Four Members of the Board besides Prest Snow.  It was decided that T. J. Jones should be released on the 16th of April and that the Executive Committee should take charge for the present.  Prest Snow said Prest Taylor had agreed to furnish the proportion of Wool for the Church to run the Factory.
March 27.  Attended Conference Meetings addressed by Prest.  Woodruff, B. Young, J. D. T. McAllister J Gates, Geo Teasdale, H. Lunt, J. W. Crosby and Myself.  I talked 25 Minutes,  after Meeting we returned to Cedar & stayed at Bro Nielsens. (p. 76)
March 28.  Drove to Kanara, took dinner with Sister Roundy, drove to Belleview and stopped at J Gates
March 29.  I drove to Leeds and took dinner, broke my Buggy Shaft. St. George, 1881, March & April   A. R. Whitehead, p. 95 (101)
Emily Wilkinson came home with me to visit Mary E. for a few days.
March 30.  Went to Washington to assist M. P. Romney prosecute, Charles Smithson, Alma Young  Land Pace and George Prince for resisting Officers and stabbing Jno F. Chidester.
March 31.  Went to Washington to Court.  P.M.  Temple A.M.
April 1.  At Temple.  Rec. and Anointing.  Washington at 2 P.M.  Went around through the Field to look at land.  Trial closed, boys plead Guilty and bound over returned home about 7 P.M.  Attended Dress Ball at the Hall.  while there, heard of the death of Thos J. Pearce, who fell from a Wagon and broke his neck coming from Washington drunk, in company with Jas Andrus, A. P. Hardy and N. Ashby.
April 2.  In Office all day.
April 3.  Attended Meeting.  and Sunday School 1st Wd.
April 4.  In Office until 10 A.M.  Went to the Factory, instructed Bro McGuire to send East for Wool Oil, took Mary G. with me and the two little girls.
April 5.  In Office all day.  had a Thunder Shower  Bro Jarvis Youngest Son Killed by lightning
April 6.  At Temple.  Rec. & Clothed.  Peter & V.  Attended Funeral 4-30 P.M.
April 7.  At Temple.  Rec. & An.  Peter & V.  In Office P.M.
April 8.  At Temple.  Rec.  Clothed  Peter & V.  Mary recd 2d Anoing in Office P.M.
April 9.  In Office all day.
April 10 Sun.  2nd Wd S. School.  Attended Meeting & Wd Meeting in evening St. George, 1881, April, May & June            A. R. Whitehead, p. 96 (102)
April 11th.  At Factory all day.
April 12.  In Office Recording Maps. &c 1st Wd S. School party in evening.
April 13.  At Factory all day.  looking over Machinery &c
April 14.  At Temple Rec. & Anointed.  In Office & Store all day.
April 30.  At the Factory the balance of the Month, every day excepting Saturdays.  had to quit the Temple on account of going to the Factory to take charge.
May 1.  Attended Meeting in Tabernacle.  (p. 77)
May 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6.  At the Factory.  putting in New Flume & Repairing
May 7.  In Office and Store all day.
May 8.  Went to Santa Clara with Asst.  Supt H. Pickett and attended Meeting in Tabernacle on our return.
May 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13.  At the Factory all the time.
May 14.  In the Office all day.
May 15.  Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle
May 16 & 17th.  At the Factory each day
May 18th.  In the Office on School a/cs all day
May 19th & 20th.  Factory each day.
May 21st.  In Office.  A.M.  City Council P.M.
May 22nd.  Attended Meeting in Tabernacle.
May 28th.  At the Factory all week.  except today.  am quite unwell
May 29.  At home all day  Sick.
May 30 & 31.  At the Factory
June 1, 2, & 3.  At the Factory  Starting up the Machinery. St. George, 1881, June - September     A. R. Whitehead, p. 97 (103)
June 4.  In the Office.  Meeting of School Trustee A.M.  City Council P.M. visited all the principal parts of the City in Company with the Council to instruct the Marshall as to abating nuisances.  had an attack of the hives in the evening.
June 5.  At meeting in the Tabernacle.  Bros.  S. L. Adams and D. D. McArthur addressed the people.  I thought Bro McA rather hard on two Presbyterian Ministers who were present, Mr A. Cort and Mr Murphy.
June 6.  In the Office.  Regular Term of County Court.  School Election at 7-30 P.M.  Received a Bill for $1250 from Jno W. Snell for Groceries &c furnished my Mother in Salt Lake City.
July 21.  Louella died after two weeks sickness.  she was Six Mos. old. Mary G. and myself had just started in the Buggy to take her in the Mountains, she died near Eardleys
July 22.  Buried Louella at 4 P.M.
July 24.  Took Mary for an out to Pinto started at 6 A.M.  arrived there about 8 P.M.  had been a heavy flood there Washing away their gardens, fences &c doing much damage
July 26.  returned home found all well.
August 7.  Went to Leeds attended Sunday School and returned home. (p. 78)
August 14th.  Attended S. School in the 4th Wd St. George
August 20th.  In Office all day, been at Factory at Washington all week. Wrote to Jos. Orton Eng.  sent $5.00 to him.
August 27th.  Nothing worthy of Note transpired during the week.  I have been at the Factory Most of the time.
September 1st.  Went to Leeds took Mary, went to Silver Reef St. George, 1881, September        A. R. Whitehead, p. 98 (104)
September 2nd.  Returned home.
September 3rd.  Bought M. P. Romneys interest in Lucerne Land  10 acres. paid $450.00  Factory Goods.  Sent $50.00 to E. T. Allen San Francisco. Meeting of Trustees in the evening, engaged E. Schoppman as Teacher.
September 4th.  In Office all day
September 5th.  Wrote Jos. Goddard, Mrs. Ellsworth & Geo Earl.
[end of his journal entries]