
My name is Mary Ann Whitehead Overson and this blog is dedicated to all the amazing men and women who came before me: my ancestors. I also want to acknowledge my father, Armand Toyn Whitehead, who is the person responsible for a lot of the content in this blog; my dad has spent countless hours collecting and preserving photos and histories, and preserving them on the computer so that they can be handed down for generations. Thank you, Dad!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Adolphus Rennie Whithehead Journal (1878-1881) 2 of 3

A.R. Whitehead Journal, POST 2 of 3
1 Jun 1879 - 31 Dec 1879
transcribed by Armand Toyn Whitehead from original 
Cont. . .
St. George, 1879, June                A. R. Whitehead, p. 35
June 1.  Borrowed $400. of Lucy Hendrix gave my Note payable in 6 Mos. interest 1 1/4 % per mo  Sent her Bank Book and her order favor D. O. Calder to D. O. Calder in payment of Two of My Notes due him, registered the Book and order to him. Attended meeting in the Afternoon  Addressed by Daniel Seegmiller.
June 2.  Attended Co. Court all day. and Recorded 1 Deed
June 3.  Attended Co. Court all day.
June 4.  At Temple, Recording.  Roll Call.  Peter and Vail  Worked in the Office in the Afternoon.  County Safe arrived
June 5th.  At Temple, same work as yesterday.  Sent citations to all the heirs of Wm Snow.  to appear on the 16th inst.  the day appointed to prove the Will, also sent a copy of the Notice posted to Eli Whipple
June 6th.  At Temple, same as yesterday, in the Office P.M.  Went to Tonaquin Field with D. L. Hendrix
June 7.  Worked in Office all day.  sent Citations to Tax payers. Loaned D. L. Hendrix $40.00 Cash to be paid next Monday or Tuesday. Took no receipt.  Sold him a Singer Machine to be paid for $4252 Cash or $11250 in Canaan. Miss M. E. Cook read to us until 12 Midnight
June 8.  Wrote some Letters in the Morning.  One to my Mother Sent P. O. Order $8.30 to J. F. Stratton New York to pay for Violin Strings sent to R. Bentley.  Attended Meeting.  did not feel well so went home at 3 P.M. and read until 10 O'Clock.
June 9.  Repaired Washing Machine.  Recorded discharge of Mortgage and worked on County [C]Books. (p. 32) E. A. Hendrix returned the $40.00 
St. George, 1879, June A. R. Whitehead, p. 36
loaned to his Brother on Saturday.  Attended Choir Practice at 6 P.M>
June 10.  My Birthday Aged 38.  Mary made me a present of a Summer Coat.  Worked at Temple.  Recording and calling at Font  Recorded 4 Instruments.  attended Choir practice and had a few friends at the house in the evening.
June 11.  At Temple.  Recording and Roll call, worked in the Office all day.  Wrote to Jno Harris Glendale and offered five dollars per mo. in Factory pay for 30,000 shingles or less.
June 12.  At Temple.  Recording and Vail.  Endowed for Henry Harrison 3rd Cousin in law.  Took Sewing Machine from Miriam Pectol and rented it to Bro. Sandin of Washington for $2.00 per month in trade with the  privilege of purchasing for $25.00 Cash or $50.00 in Factory.  Recorded 3 Instruments.
June 13.  At Temple.  Recording, received Endowment for John Harrison 3rd Cousin in Law.  Recorded One Deed.  attended Co Court and Choir Practice rented Howe Sewing Machine to W. Lund for one month $2.00 paid for 1st Month
June 14.  Attended Conference, all day.
June 15.  Attended Conference, all day.
June 16.  County Court.  Meeting of Board of G. G. M. Co in the evening. Probate Court in the Afternoon
June 17.  Recording in Office all day.
June 18.  Temple.  Recording.  Roll, Jehoval and vail.  Recorded One Instrument & worked at School a/cs.
June 19.  Temple.  Same as yesterday.  Sent Check, Wells Fargo & Co. 
St. George, 1879, June      A. R. Whitehead, p. 37
No 16287 dated Sil Reef  June 6, 1879 payable to H. Stout.  $78.50 signed John H. Rice Cashier  Sent to Calder.  also Sent Checks to Singer Mnfg Co  (dated Apl 17/79 in margin) on Machines a/c Wells Fargo & Co Checks, No 2675 $2500 payable to N. M. Miller signed Hietzelman & Poujade endorsed by N.M. Miller Anne C. Miller & T. C. Poujade No 2884 dated May 20, 1879  $22.00 payable to Bearer (p. 33)  endorsed by N. Sorensen also No. 2672 Sil Reef  June 6, 1879 to A. R. Whitehead signed E. M. Crane  Supt  Leeds Mining Co. endorsed by A. R. Whitehead Amt $4.00.
June 20.  Temple same as yesterday.  Worked in Office
June 21.  Co. Court. & Recording.
June 22.  Attended Sabbath School 4th Ward.  Meeting P.M.
June 23.  Went to Silver Reef with my wife & Miss Cook Barbees Mill Burnt down.
June 24.  Returned home, took sick with Cholera Morbus very sick all night.
June 25.  Quite unwell.  at Temple Recording & Roll call  Sick all day.
June 26.  Quite unwell, at Temple.  Recording & Roll Call In Office P.M.
June 27.  At Temple, Recording & Veil.  Officiated for Wm Harrison. Made 1 Certified Copy of Deed.  Attended Funeral of C. E. Johnsons babe. made some remarks on the occasion.  Attended Choir Practice. June 28.  In Office all day.  settled Taxes for Chirsty Mill & Mnf Co. Deposited with E. W. Snow $19520 Territorial Warrants.
June 29.  Attended Sab. School in 3rd Ward.  Meeting P.M.  addressed by S. L. Adams.  Bro Romney & Wives visited us after Meeting 
St. George, 1879, June & July         A. R. Whitehead, p. 38
June 30.  Worked in Office, Recorded 1 Ins. and Worked on School a/cs. Attended Funeral of the child of B. McIntire addressed the Meeting
July 1.  Worked on School a/cs.
July 2.  Worked on School a/cs.
July 3.  Went by Mail to Leeds as an Arbitrator with D H. Cannon & M. P. Romney to settle difficulty between E. K. Fuller and the People of Harris- burg examined the Boxes and Water courses through Silver Reef and St Louis.  stayed at Leeds
July 4.  Went to Harrisburg and held Court examined Witnesses for the People.  stayed all night at O. B. Adams.
July 5.  Continued Court hearing Fullers evidence (p. 34) came home by Stage in the evening
July 6th.  Attended Sabbath School in the 2nd Ward Meeting P.M. addressed by D. D. McArthur & M. Andrus
July 7th.  Received Freight from Terminus, worked in Office  Mrs. Jos Hansen applied for Divorce, had not the pay, agreed to take half Trade & half cash on my fees.  Sent W. L. & Judds check $20000 to Z. C. M. I. also sent for 500 Election envelopes.
July 8.  Sent $7.00 to Livington for Machine Extras &c  Worked in Office on Arbitration decision
July 9.  Repaired a Sewing Machine, worked in Office lent M.P. Romney $700 Cash Wrote to C. O. Hillstrom & Co.  ordered 3 Organs Style 35 & 40 & 1 Smaller Cheaper one if they would give 6 Mos. time
July 10.  Worked on Election Notices &c all day 
St. George, 1879, July      A. R. Whitehead, p. 39
July 11.  Recording in Office.  offered to Settle, Julius Sultans taxes at 10% discount.  Sent P. O. Order $1450 to Livington, to settle a/c and to pay for Johnsons Ruffler.  for Weed Machine for Mrs. Calkin
July 12.  Sent $11.80 to Cannon & Young.  S. L. City.  Check No 15920 Sil Reef Utah May 22, 1879 W. F. & Co payable to Bearer.  $10. Sig John H. Rice Cashier endorsed by me to them & 180 Greenbacks. Started at 6 P.M. in Company with my wife[,] Mamie & M. P. Romney and his wife to the Western Settlements.  to visit the Mutual Improvement Associations and Sunday Schools travelled about 22 Miles, to Jefferys arriving there at 2 O Clock A.M. of the 13th
July 13th.  Started at 6 A.M. and travelled through Hamblin stopping at Bro Holts for dinner, went to Hebron, held Meeting and all of us addressed the Congregation.  stayed at Bp Terrys.
July 14th.  Drove to Heb Clover Valley stopped at Bro Lyman Woods. held meeting in the evening Bro Romney & Myself addressed the meeting
July 15.  Went to Panacca stayed with Bp Cyphus
July 16.  held three meetings, with the S. School (p. 35) Female Relief Society & general Meeting in the evening, spoke at each meeting.
July 17.  Went to Eagle Valley, held Meeting in the evening and myself and M. P. R. spoke stayed with Bro Hammond.
July 18.  Drove to Desert Springs, fed Grain and Watered, saw Ben Tasker there, went out about 10 Miles into the Desert and camped
July 19.  Went to Bro Holts, arriving there for Breakfast after dinner drove to Hamblin, examined the School Trustees Books and drove to Pinto stayed with Oscar A Wood S. S. Supt. 
St. George, 1879, July   A. R. Whitehead, p. 40
July 20.  Attended S. School and addressed the School  Attended Meeting at 4 P.M.  M. P. Romney delivered an excellent discourse on Polygamy spoke a short time to the Young, in relation to the Mutual Imp. Assns
July 21.  Travelled to Pine Valley, took dinner with Harrison Burgess, examined School Trustees Books and started on expecting to stop at C. F. Fosters, but on our arrival, decided to go to Dameron Valley, camped there just at dark
July 22.  Started at 5 A.M. and arrived home at 8-30 cleaned up, went to the Office and made two Abstracts and Recorded one Deed having had an enjoyable time on our trip and returning home feeling well
July 23.  Worked in Office.  Wrote to J. H. Rice J. Wagner, I Fordonski P. Harrison and Geo. Miller offering to pay their Taxes at a discount for Cash of 10%  Wrote to Mrs Averett settled up and paid Builders union the balance due for work on my house.  Sent $1.00 to J. F. Ingalls Lynn Mass. for Albums  $1.00 to C. E. Hires Phil. for Beer Powder, $1.10 to Newark Shirt Co. for 2 Shirts.
July 24.  Attended Celebration of the Entry of Pioneers in S. L. Valley. Recorded 2 Instruments. (p. 36)
July 25.  Recording in Office.  Eyes very sore.  Sent $100 to Kansas City Times.  Sent Deed to A Nebeker of Bountiful Mine
July 26.  Worked in Office A. M. Eyes very sore, attended Board Meeting of W. Field Canal Co. 5 P.M.  Suffered all night with my eyes.
July 27.  Had to keep in my room all day.
July 28.  Could not see to do anything.
July 29.  Eyes still very bad, but done a little in the Office.  Wrote 
St. George, 1879, July & August         A. R. Whitehead, p. 41
to Mrs. Barratt.  sent $1.00 for 3. Gal. Batteries  Attended.  Show in the evening
July 30.  Eyes very weak.  Recorded 2 Deeds.  attended Meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 P.M. in relation to Water.  Price City having applied for Assistance from W. F. Canal Co.  Meeting held until 6 P.M.
July 31.  Made out Bills.  Sent Receipt for Fordonski Taxes.  Recorded &c.  Eyes still very painful
August 1st.  Worked in Office Recording &c  Eyes still sore.
August 2nd.  Worked in Office Recording &c  Eyes still sore.  Offered to settle Jacobs and Sultans Taxes 51.00 for 4600 Cash.
August 3.  Attended Meeting.  J. M. Macfarlane & D. H. Cannon addressed the meeting.
August 4.  Worked in the Office.  Sent Checks to Singer Manfg Co.  No 1728. S. Reef  June 26, 1879  W. F. & C. to Wm Stirling or Bearer $25.00 signed Barbee & Vanhagen.  No 17116 S. Reef Utah July 1, 1879 W. F. & Co. to D. P. Whedon $12.00  J. H. Rice per R. T. Gillespie & No 17948 S Reef Utah Aug 2, 1879 W. F. & Co to ARW. $9.00 Sig John H Rice per R. T. Gillespie.  General Election.
August 5.  Canvassed Votes and worked in Office sold D. L. Hendrix $32.80 Cap Stock on St Geo. C. M. I. for Cash.
August 6.  Worked in Office Recording &c Eyes weak.
August 7.  Worked in Office Abstracting &c.  Visited Miss Wells in Company with my wife.  Eyes weak Wrote to Jas Jack in relation to Amt du[r]e Guerado Estate.
August 8.  Worked in Office. all day.  Eyes very weak. (p. 37) 
St. George, 1879, August  A. R. Whitehead, p. 42
August 9.  Worked in Office until 4 P.M. at 6 P.M. started in Company with A. W. Ivins and M. P. Romney for Pine Valley in the interest of Y. M. M. I. Assn and Sabbath Schools.  travelled until 2 A. M. of the 10th camped below Fosters.
August 10.  Started at 5 A.M.  arriving in Pine Valley at 9-15 took breakfast with Bp. H. Burgess.  attended Sunday School at 10 A.M. very good assembly of both old and young.  I addressed the School.  took dinner with Bro E. Whipple held Meetings in the afternoon and evening. organized a Mutual I. Assn.
August 11th.  Visited the Calkin Mill, and left for Gunlock at 8-30 arrived at Gunlock at 2-30 stayed at Henry Chaffins, held meeting at 4 P.M.  I addressed the Meeting
August 12.  Took Breakfast with Bp. Huntsman and started for home.  arriving at 3 P.M.  took dinner and attended to some business with the Judge.
August 13.  Worked in Office getting out Abstracts of Election sent one to the Secretary and sent Certificates of Election to Officers
August 14.  Recording all day.  Sent $1.30 to Newark Shirt Co. for 3 shirts they owing me 50¢.  received one by Mail  Eyes still quite weak.
August 15.  Recording in Office.  Sent Abstract of Territorial & School Taxes to W. Clayton also 2 Brands to Record.
August 16.  Worked in Office, Sent 2.06 to J. F. Stratton for Musical Toys to come by Reg. Mail.  sent to Livington for Shuttles, screws and Views.  Sent $1.00 to David Cook Chicago for Specimen Books &c
August 17.  Attended Meeting.  H. Eyring and J. Gates addressed the Meeting. 
St. George, 1879, August           A. R. Whitehead, p. 43
August 18.  Worked in the Office all day.
August 19.  Worked in the Office all day at Jno Watts Estate
August 20.  Worked in the Office all day.
August 21.  Worked in the Office all day  attended Choir Practice
August 22.  Went to the Temple.  (M. M. E. W. 5-30 A. M.) (p.38)
August 23.  Worked on Estate Matters.  Wrote to H. B. Goodrich Chicago on Machine business sent $100 for Plaiter, (asking his terms to Agents &c)
August 24.  Attended Meeting.  M. Andrus, C. A. Terry and Jacob Gates addressed the Meeting.
August 25.  Worked at Estate Matters, sent Order to J. W. Christian.
August 26.  Worked in Office.  Sent $60.00 to D. O. Calder to wit: S. R. July 23, 1879 J. H. Rice  Check No 17755 on W. F. & Co  S. L. C. for $50.00 payable to Fred Lingvall, endorsed Fred Lingvall and Payable to the order of ARW.  by Kiv Phillips endorsed by me to D. O. Calder. also Woolley Lund & Judd Check No 2034 St. George Utah August 16th 1879 to Bearer for $1000 endorsed by me to D. O. Calder Sent to Z C M. I. $12419 to wit John H Rice, Cashier per T. T. Gillespie No 18215 W. F. & Co S. L. C. dated Sil Reef Aug 11, 1879 $64.50 to James G. Duffin endorsed Jas G. Duffin endorsed by me to H. S. Eldridge.  Woolley Lund & Judd No 2019 dated St G. Aug 13, 1879 to me $26.69 endorsed to H. S. E. J. J. Halpin No 2058.  S. L. Utah Aug 14/79 Bearer $11.00 McCormick & Co. endorsed by me to H. S. E. Woolf Jorden No 2078 Bearer Sil Reef U. Aug 15, 1879 McCormick & Company.  $10.00 endorsed by me to H. S. E. and John H. Rice No 17309 to Bearer.  W. F. & Co Sil Reef July 8, 1879 
St. George, 1879, August & September       A. R. Whitehead, p. 46
$12.00 endorsed by me to H. S. E. also inquiring if they would buy wool St Yamn & Woollen Socks
August 27.  Worked in Office all day taking Stock for Ladies Coop.
August 28.  Worked in Office all day taking Stock for Ladies Coop.
August 29.  Worked in Office all day.
August 30.  Worked in Office all day.
August 31.  Attended Meeting.  Prest J. D. T. McAllister addressed the meeting took supper at Bro S. R. Wells.
September 1.  County Court.
September 2.  Temple.  Witnessing & Recording at Font Sent Orders for Goods & 2 S. Machines.
September 3.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  fixed Sewing Machine. Divorce Suit of Butterworth.  Sent Report of C. Court to K. Phillips J. P. (p. 39)
September 4.  At Temple.  Recording. Worked in Office
September 5.  At Temple.  Recording Roll and Prayer.  Worked on A/cs of Ladies Coop.
September 6.  Repaired Sewing Machine for S. Knight.  worked on a/cs Ladies Coop.  M. E. Wells came to live with us.
September 7.  Accompanied M. P. Romney to the 1st Ward Sunday School. I addressed the School, attended Meeting at 2 P.M.  J. W. Crosby, M. F. Farnsworth and R. Bentley addressed the Meeting.
September 8.  Finished Report and attended Board Meeting of the Ladies Coop.
September 9. At Temple.  Recording at Font.  P.M. worked on Ladies 
St. George, 1879, September         A. R. Whitehead, p. 53
Books.  attended Stockholders Meeting
September 10.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  Worked in Office.
September 11.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  Worked in Office.
September 12.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  Worked in Office.
September 13.  Attended Stake Conference.
September 14.  Attended Stake Conference.
September 15.  Worked in Office
September 16.  At Temple Recording at Font.  Office P.M.
September 17.  At Temple Recording & Roll.  Office P.M.
September 18.  At Temple Recording & Roll.  Office P.M.
September 19.  At Temple Recording & Roll.  Wrote Newark Shirt Co.
September 20.  In Office.  Sent $75.00 P. O. orders to C. M. Livington for 3 Machines 2 Carriage &c.
September 21.  Attended Sabbath School at Washington in Company with M. P. Romney.  E. W. Snow and J. C. Bentley my wife and Sister A. M. Romney accompanying us.  returned home after School and attended meeting in Tabernacle  Meeting addressed by Jacob Gates and Two Brethren from Arizona.
September 22.  Worked in Office A. M. went to the Washington Field P.M. sold about 2 acres of uncultivated land East of my Lucerne, with Water Shares to T. J. Jones for $60.  to be paid within 1 year.  in Factory pay.
September 23.  At Temple until 12 M.  Calling at Font.  Attended Probate Court. in the evening.  Case of Divorce Hansen vs Hansen.  (p. 40)
September 24.  At Temple.  Rec. Roll. Jahova & Vail  Sold Sew. Machine 
St. George, 1879, September        A. R. Whitehead, p. 48
to Findlay of the Clara paid Cash $25.00 leaving $15.00 to pay. unpacked Goods.  worked in Office.  P.M.
September 25.  At Temple.  Rec. Roll.  Jahova & Vail.  Recording at Office P.M.  Wrote J. Birch, agreed to take 300 cigars for Balance of School Bill $13.50  Three Sister Wells, visiting at home Bro. W. came in the evening. Lars Sandin Paid $6.30 rent of S. Machine to date wished to Keep it Nine days more.
September 26.  At Temple.  Rec. Roll.  Yahova & Vail.  In Office Recording P.M.  Sent Check $70.00 to Calder Sil Reef Aug 11th 1879 No 187 on Walker Bros payable to and endorsed by James Barten signed Julius Sultan, endorsed by myself to D. O. Calder.  Ordered Organ for S. R. Wells agreed to let Wells have it for $16000 perhaps $15000  Attended farewell benefit part for Jos C. Bentley on his departure for England  Gave him $1.00 My Wife gave him 2 pr Socks  paid $1.00 Temple Donation for Sanpete Temple
September 27.  Wrote Junius Wells Ed. of the Contributor sent the names of Martin Slack.  Elizth Starr Rose Jarvis, and Ju[l]ie Ivins they having subscribed and paid me. Sent Woolley Lund & Judd Check No 2197 for [sic] $159.80 to Z. C. M. Ins. S.L. City on a/c  Sent Certificates of E. G. Woolley, M Andrus H. A. Chaffin & B. H. Paddock  J. P. for commissions Sent to Singer Co 2 Checks $45.00 W. F. & Co Sign. J. H. Rice per R. T Gillespie No 17048 Sil Reef June 30 1879.  $25.00 Bearer, & No 17724 Sil Reef July 23 1879  $20.00 endorsed by me to Singer Co.  Wrote to 
St. George, 1879, September & October A. R. Whitehead, p. 49
Mother  sent her $2.00  Wrote to Bro Goddard also to the Secretary of Cedar Sheep herd.  to P. Harrison.  Thos Greenhalgh and Prs Pectol (p. 41)
September 28.  Attended Meeting in Tabernacle.  J. G. Bleak and J. Gates being the Speakers.  visited at sister Bentleys and took Supper there.
September 29.  Worked in Office and attended Store.  J. Birch & Frank Jennings came to transact business with me in Office.  Wrote to Birch in the evening & offered to buy Jennings Stock of Md'ze in Leeds and pay in G. G. M. Stock at $1.50 per share agreeing to redeem the Stock as fast as the Goods were sold.  if he wished.
September 30.  At Temple.  Calling at Font.  In Office P.M.
October 1.  At Temple Recording, El. & Vail.  In Office P.M.
October 2.  At Temple Recording, El. & Vail.  In Office P.M.
October 3.  At Temple Recording, El. & Vail.  In Office P.M.
October 4.  Recording in Office
October 5.  Attended S. School 3rd Ward in company with E. W. Snow. Meeting in Tabernacle 2 P.M.  W Granger & J. Gates speakers.
October 6.  Worked in Office.
October 7.  At Temple.  Rec at Font till 1 P.M. in Office P.M.
October 8.  At Temple.  Rec & Roll.  In Office P.M.  Witness to Sarah Uries Marriage to D. M. Hunter.
October 9.  At Temple.  Rec & Roll.  In Office P.M.  Settled up with A W Ivins, gave him 400.00 in Canaan Stock for $440.00 Factory C. Stock Paid R. Chandler 7.50 Fac pay to be paid in Brooms no 5 not to be more than 60 a/c 
St. George, 1879, October           A. R. Whitehead, p. 50
October 10.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll. Recording in Office
October 11.  Went to Leeds with M. P. Romney, visited Silver Reef. Attended Meeting of Y. M. M. at Leeds in the evening.  Stayed all night at J. L. Wilkinsons.
October 12.  Attended S. School.  addressed the Children  Attended Meeting P.M. addressed the Meeting
October 13.  Worked in Office.
October 14.  At. Temple Recording at Font.
October 15.  At Temple Recording Roll & Peter.
October 16.  At Temple Recording Roll & Peter.
October 17.  At Temple Recording Roll & Peter.
October 18.  In Office all day.
October 19.  Attended Meeting.  H. Eyring & J Gates Preached (p. 42).
October 20.  In Office all day  Recording &c
October 21.  At Temple Recording at Font.
October 22.  At Temple Rec. & John.  Office P.M
October 23.  At Temple Rec. Roll & John.  Office P.M
October 24.  At Temple Rec. Roll & John.  Office P.M.
October 25.  In Office sent $54. to Singer Mnf Co to pay for 2 Machines No 2516710 & 2533861. in Checks as follows No 17034 Sil Reef  June 30, 1879 Wells Fargo & Co.  S. L. C.  Bearer $20.00 by John H Rice for R. T. G.  No 18537 same as above dated Aug 20, 1879.  No 2096 S. L. U. Aug 20, 1879 McCormick & Co.  Bearer $5.00 J. J. Halpin same as above No 930 July 12, 1879 Siegel & Marks $9.00 Sent 70¢ to Newark Shirt Co.  $3.00 P. O. order to J. C. Boyd for Batteries.  Wrote to D. O. Calder 
St. George, 1879, October & November       A. R. Whitehead, p. 51
ordering Goods.  also to C. M. Livington in relation to P. O. Order sent Sept 20th.  Wrote to J. F. Wells sent names of M A Sullivan, M. P. Romney & Geo H Crosby.  Sent 50¢ to Grant for Musical Advertiser
October 26.  Attended Meeting addressed by Prest E. Snow and Jacob Gates Jr.
October 27.  Worked in Office all day.
October 28.  At Temple calling at Font.  Paid D. L. Hendrix $7.50 interest on Note.  Sent the following Checks to Z. C. M. Ins.  No 19117  W. F. & Co payable to W Thomas Endorsed by him and by G. H. Crosby and myself for 71.04 by J H Rice.  dated S Reef Sept 9, 1879 also same as above No 20291 to Bearer endorsed by me for $20.00 dated Oct 22, 1879.  also No 1246 S. R. July 21, 1879 McCormick & Co.  $7.00 Woolf & Jordan also same as above 2246 for 2.00 to me endorsed by me Oct. 8, 1879 J. J. Halpin  Wrote to Jos Horne, Richfield in relation to Flom.  Factory Goods &c. Sent Bill of Goods to be delivered at Juab on the 4th Nov. (p. 43)
October 29.  At Temple Recording & Roll.  Attended Justice Court took case of F. Holt in Replevin.  gained suit and received $7.00 for my services
October 30.  At Temple Recording and Roll.  worked in Office
October 31.  At Temple Recording and Roll.  worked in Office.
November 1.  Worked in office and Attended Canaan Meeting.
November 2.  Visited 4th Ward School, with M. P. Romney at meeting P.M. visited and administered to Ella Seegmiller
November 3.  Ella Seegmiller died.  My wife Mary G. having been up with 
St. George, 1879, November       A. R. Whitehead, p. 52
her all night.  Worked in Office.
November 4.  At Temple Calling at Font till 12 M.  Attended the funeral of Sister Seegmiller, offered the opening Prayer  Administered to Sister Clara W. Bowman.
November 5.  At Temple.  Recording Roll, Peter, Vail, 2nd Anointing &c until dark.
November 6.  At Temple same as yesterday.
November 7.  At Temple same as yesterday.
November 8.  Went to Washington with J. Gates Sen. bought Goods which Bro Gates is to take North and sell for Flour to deliver me one half of the Flour realized from the Goods.  Worked in Office. P.M.
November 9.  Attended Meeting.  Addressed by L. Harris & E Snow  Wrote to Jos. Goddard in England, very Stormy day
November 10.  Rainny and very Muddy.  Sent $1.00 to H. Hallet & Co. for Masons Chart.  also Co Order to A Nebeker for 9.90 to pay my Taxes in Glendale with order on I Duffin for Cash.  my Taxes being 267 Terr &  School 267 Co & Deliquent 1.62.  Wrote to M. Funk for Money.  Sent to Singer for 2 Machines to be shipped to McArthur on the 19th inst.  Wrote to Calder for Organ for Mrs Bleak and for 2 Stools.  Sent $50.00 P.O. order to C. M. Livington for Goods.
November 11.  At Temple.  Calling at Font.  till 3 P.M.  In Office P.M.
November 12.  At Temple.  Prayer, Rec. & Roll.  Erastus.  Birthday 8 years old
November 13.  At Temple Rec. & Roll.  all day.  Choir Practice Evening
November 14.  At Temple.  Rec. & Roll.  all day.  Choir Practice Evening 
St. George, 1879, November    A. R. Whitehead, p. 53 (59)
November 15.  In Office all day, and repairing Machine.
November 16.  In Company with M. P. Romney.  E. W. Snow and A. W. Ivins, visited the Santa Clara S. School  Bro & Sis Romney visited us and took dinner with us (p. 44)  had a conversation with Prest E. Snow in relation to conducting the business of the Ladies Coop for them,  he thought my offer to them was a good one.  thought they had better either engage me to conduct it or else unit[e] with the St George C. M. I.
November 17.  Worked in Office A. M.  Attended High Council P.M.  case of the St Geo.  Sheep herd vs A. L. Barron
November 18.  At Temple.  confirming and Recording.  in Office P.M.
November 19.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  worked in Office Spencer & Hanley, sent Gus Engler from Sil Reef to rent Organ.  I wished security and he presented letter from A. S. Potter was not satisfied and he Telegraphed A. S. Potter is responsible for 60 days see Letter & Telegram on file.
November 20.  Delivered Clough & Warren Organ (Favority) 10 stops to Engler for Spencer & Hanley at Monthly rent of $6.00 in advance.  Engler agreed to send Lease & 1st Months rent.  Rd Robinson & Sons took it to the Reef for him. Wrote to Bro G. Goddard in relation to exchanging Tithing at Provo.  Also to R. T. Smith for settlement for his a/c $4.50
November 21.  At Temple Rec. & Roll.  in Office all day
November 22.  In Office all day.  Birthday party in the evening.
November 23.  Visited 3rd Ward S. School.  D. C. Robbins put in Supt. Attended Meeting.  addressed by Bro Legg. & others. 
St. George, 1879, November & December     A. R. Whitehead, p. 54
November 24.  In Office all day.
November 25.  At Temple.  Recording at Font.  Visited Mutual at the Clara in the evening with M. P. Romney & W. Carter.
November 26.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  In the Office P.M.
November 27.  At Temple.  Recording & Roll.  In the Office P.M.
November 28.  Went in Company with D. H. Cannon, Jos Orton & J. E. Pace to Leeds, held Meeting in the evening, addressed the Meeting Slept at J. T. Wilkinsons.
November 29.  Left Leeds, drove to Kelseys.  D. H. Cannon and Myself walked to Harmony.  the other Brethren taking the Team to Kanarra. stayed at (p. 45) Bp. W. D. Paces, were well received.
November 30.  Attended S. School.  Bro Prince.  Supt, School well attended. I addressed the School for 20 Minutes Meeting at 2 P.M. again spoke and visited Bro Redd's family administered to two sick persons one child and Sister Hold.  Attended Meeting at 6 P.M. again addressed the Meeting, had very pleasant day.
December 1.  Bp Pace took us to the forks of the Road in his Buggy where at 10 A.M. we met the other Brethren, they all stopped at Harrisburg and held Meeting.  I returned home by Stage.
December 2.  County Court in Session until 2-30 P.M.
December 3.  At Temple  Recording.  In Office all day
December 4.  Visited the Factory with H. Eyring. & J. G. Bleak as committee examining prices &c.  went & returned by Stage, attend Trustees Meeting in the evening.
December 5.  At Temple, Recording & Roll.  Met Bp Jos Horne who Married a Miss Baum.  In Office P.M. sent Notices to Road Supervisors.  Attended 
St. George, 1879, December           A. R. Whitehead, p. 55
Meeting of Committe at 5 P.M.
December 6.  In Office.  Wrote to Mrs Ross on Estate Matters.  Attended Board Meeting of Washington Field
December 7.  Attended Board meeting of G. G. M. Co. to decide price of Mine.  Wrote Mr Hinman.
December 8.  Worked in Office all day.
December 9.  At Temple.  Recording at Font.  Worked on School Report P.M.
December 10.  At Temple.  Recording and Roll.  Made out Papers for Milo Andrus & Mrs Whitmore.
December 11.  At Temple.  Recording and Roll.  In Office.
December 12.  At Temple.  Recording and Roll.  In Office.
December 13.  In Office all day working for H. S. Lubbock
December 14.  In Office all day working for H. S. Lubbock
December 15.  In Office all day working for H. S. Lubbock earned $60.00 in the past 3 days with Seth Pymms Assistance.  made 36 Abstracts & Copies.
December 16.  At Temple Confirming.  In Office P.M. Board December 17. Meeting of Washington Field Canal Co.
December 17.  At Temple Recording & Roll.  Board Meeting of R. V. M. Co. (p. 46)
December 18.  At Temple.  Recording.  Roll.  Peter & Vail Board Meeting of W. Field Canal Co. P.M. and Board of R. V. M. Co in the Evening.
December 19.  At Temple.  Recording.  Roll.  Peter & Vail.  Sta[r]ted up the River in Company with Prests. Snow. & J. D. T. McAllister  T. J. Jones Rd Bentley.  J. Gates and Miles P. Romney arrived at Leeds and held 
St. George, 1879, December        A. R. Whitehead, p. 56
Meeting at 6-30 P.M.  stayed at J. T. Wilkinsons
December 20.  Started at 7 A.M. and drove to Rockville and attended the Funeral of Sister C. N. Smith at 2 P.M.  Raining very hard all evening & night.  held Meeting of the Y. M. M. I. Assn in the evening.  addressed the meeting.
December 21.  Held Meeting at Rockville.  took dinner with Bro Stout. held Meeting again and drove down to Duncans retreat held Meeting there in the evening.  organized a Y. M. M. I. Assn also one for the Young Ladies, and set the Officers apart.  Prest. McAllister & Jones being present the other Brethren went to Virgin City and held Meeting there. Stayed all night with Bro. Gibsons family.
December 22.  Drove down to Virgin City, attended Dedication of a Meeting Room for the Associations All drove down to Toquerville.  held Meeting and addressed the Meeting, eat dinner at Bro. Duffins, felt rather sick Prests. McAllister & Jones and Bros Bentley Romney and myself drove down to Harrisburg.  Bros Snow and Gates stopping and holding another Meeting at Toquer  held Meeting at Harrisburg and drove home arriving there at 10-30 P.M.  found Mary G. very sick had just sent for the Elders.  Bros. A Nelson and A. Macdonal came in we administered to her and she revived  Bros. I. Ivins and E. G. Woolley came in and we again administered to her (p. 47)
December 23.  Stayed with my wife all day waiting upon her.  she was very bad.
December 24.  Mary a little better.  Sister Calkin came and nursed her up and she improved.  this is the coldest day ever known in this country since it was settled.  Went down down (sic) and got some presents for the Children 
St. George, 1879, December          A. R. Whitehead, p. 57
December 25.  Christmas day stayed at home nearly all day, was invited to dinner at Bro Bentleys but did not go.  Mary a little better.
December 26.  Mary some better but very weak, went to the Office most all day.  was very cold.  Wrote up my journal &c.
December 27.  Worked in Office all day on County a/cs  Wrote to Bennett & Harkness, A D Hazen to Spencer & Hanley & to Geo D Bernard & Co. Raining & Snowing all day.  Mary a little better  T. J. Jones offered me $500.  Cash for my Lucerne Land 1/2 on 1st Feb & 1/2 in one year.
December 28.  Stayed at home all day, snowing hard  Mary better.  felt quite unwell.  took an Emetic in the Evening.
December 29.  Worked in Office on County a/cs all day  Meeting of the School District at 6-30 P.M. to vote on question of Tax for free Schools had a lively contest.  57 Voted for and 36 Against 2/3 Majority being required it did not carry.  arrived home at 10-30 P.M.  Mary G. very sick all night, had to get up and attend her
December 30.  Went to Office at 11 O'Clock, Mary some better  Worked on County accounts and made Petition for D. Rogers.
December 31.  In office all day.  working on Co. a/cs. 

Next Post: 1 Jan 1880 - 5 Sep 1881 (end of Journal entries)

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