
My name is Mary Ann Whitehead Overson and this blog is dedicated to all the amazing men and women who came before me: my ancestors. I also want to acknowledge my father, Armand Toyn Whitehead, who is the person responsible for a lot of the content in this blog; my dad has spent countless hours collecting and preserving photos and histories, and preserving them on the computer so that they can be handed down for generations. Thank you, Dad!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Adolphus Rennie Whithehead Journal (1878-1881) 1 of 3

As per request from a dear cousin, I am posting the journal of Adolphus Rennie Whitehead, born June 10, 1842 in London, Middlesex, England to Francis Wilby Whitehead and Elizabeth Jane Jarrold Whitehead (div.).  He is my 2nd Great Grandfather on my father's side.  This was transcribed by my father, Armand Toyn Whitehead, from A. R. Whitehead's original journal.  In a later posting, I will post his 1st wife's journal, Mary Elizabeth Goddard Whitehead.  
***NOTE:  I am having to post the journal in several installments, so bear with me - it's just too large for blogger apparently!

A.R. Whitehead Journal, POST 1 of 3
4 JUNE 1878 - 31 May 1879
St. George, 1878, June             A. R. Whitehead, p. 1 
June 4th 1878.  In consequence of certain questions, propounded to me by Prest E. Snow,  I resolved to keep a synopsis of my doings each day, commencing to day.
I worked in the Temple until 9 A.M. Attended County Court until 12 A.M.  Met Prest E. Snow about 2 P.M, appointed a Meeting at 6 P.M.
Occupied the afternoon in the Office and at 6 P.M. was in Conference with Prest E. Snow, Judge Wm Snow and John M. Macfarlane.
Prest E. Snow stated that he wished to have a written statement of Judge Snow and myself as to all we know in relation to the commencement of, and proceedings in the Dunford Divorce suit, as to the Complicity of Bro W. Woodruff, Bro McAllister and others in the affair, the result of which was I made my statement of the matter, and Bro. Wm Snow and Bro J. M. Macfarlane theirs, which Prest.  Now said he wished made in writing on the following day.
Went home at 10 P.M.
June 5th 1878.  Worked In the Temple until until (sic) 1 P.M. Wrote the following statement in the afternoon.
Statement of Adolphus R. Whitehead Clerk of the Probate Court of Washington County made the 4th day of June 1878 in answer to questions propounded to him by Prest Erastus Snow, in relation to the Divorce Suit of Susan G, Dunford,
He says about the beginning of January 1878 as near as his memory serves him, Susan G. Dunford came to him and stated that she wished to obtain a Divorce from Alma (p.2) that she wished it done quietly and desired him not to say anything about it, he asked her if Bro woodruff was
 St. George, 1878,  June                 A. R. Whitehead, P. 2
acquainted with what she was doing? She answered that he was and that he had advised her to do it, or was willing she should, she also said something about having thought of getting the Divorce when she was in Salt Lake City, and had spoken to Prest Taylor about it, that Prest Taylor did not wish her to get it there. he thought she told him that Prest Taylor thought she had better wait until Bro Dunford came home, but was not certain.  About the last On the 5th of January or there abouts lst of Feb at the a Stake Priesthood Meeting he asked Bro Woodruff if he understood Susie was applying for a Divorce and wished to know if it was right, says Bro Woodruff answered that he thought it was as he understood that she and Alma had never been happy together since they were married, said he bad wanted a Bill just before he went on his Mission, Bro Woodruff said be had talked with the Judge in relation to the matter and that he wished it done as still as possible.
On the lst day of February, Susie came and filed her complaint, stating to me that she did not wish to expose Almas faults too much, consequently she only complained of Incompatibility of Temper, I asked her if she wished to ask for the children and the property? she said the Property was all hers except a portion of the Furniture and the Organ and Almas Office Furniture and in her complaint asked for the Children (p.3) and the Household & Kitchen Furniture and the Organ, She wished to know if she could get the Divorce right away? I told her that service would have to be made on Bro Dunford either by publication in the News or by sending a Copy of the complaint and a Summons to him In England and if he would accept service, sign and return the summons. it would do,
 St. George, 1878, June                A. R. Whitehead, p. 3
but if he failed to do so, then it would still have to be published, she wished me to send the summons to him, which I did, and accompanying it a letter of explanation stating that we did not wish to take any advantage of his absense, that he could sign the summons accepting the service, if he felt to do so, and send the answer if he wished, or he could employ some one here to defend his suit or come himself and defend himself.
I received no answer from him, a few weeks afterwards Susie came to me, enquired if I had heard from Alma, stated she had learned that David Cannon had filed a lien on her House for a debt, chided me for not informing her of it, said she wanted to pay Bro Cannon and did not know how, without she could sell a piece of Property in Salt Lake City, wanted to know if Alma could do anything if she sold the Furniture, said it was her Furniture, that her Father had given her, I told her she had a right to sell anything that belonged to her, she said that every thing was hers but his Office Tools and Office Furrniture.
Some time about the last of March or the 1st of April she came and told me that Alma had arrived In Salt Lake City, (p.4) stated to me that she had sent the children out to Trumbull, I told her that it would have been better had she kept them at home, she said she was afraid he would come and take them away, I told her if she had kept them with her, she would be better able to watch them, that she could have obtained an Injunction if she found he was attempting to take the children before the decision of the Court was given.
A few days previous to Bro Dunfords arrival Prest McAllister asked me
 St. George, 1878, June         A. R. Whitehead, p. 4
in the Temple, if I had a visitor last evening I said "I had not" he said "Alma was coming home, that Susie was afraid to be alone and wished to go to some friends house to stop, and he said he referred her to me, I said I did not have any spare room and did not propose to mix up in the affair.
Susie came to me that same day and stated that Alma was coming, that she was afraid to be alone &c she asked my advice in relation to the suit about getting me or some one to conduct it for her.  I told her I was the Clerk of the Court and did not wish to undertake anything of the kind, but told her that I would not get any one at present but wait and see what course Alma took after she had seen his Answer she could tell better what she would need, but when he arrived and filed his answer I advised her to obtain the services of Bro E. G. Woolley to assist her.
Bro Dunford arrived and after obtaining Councel, filed his Answer and the time being set for April 26th.  Susie appeared with her Mother and three other Witnesses (p.5) but without any Councel, the Judge and also Bro J. M. Macfarlane the Lawyer for Alma, repeatedly tried to pursuade her to get some one to conduct the case for her, but she repeatedly refused, and not being acquainted with the usage of eliciting testimony, she would tell the Witnesses what to say and the defense of course objected for a time, and one unaccustomed to Courts would think she did not have a fair chance, but in my opinion as also the opinion of many others the Court and defense were very lenient with her   The evidence adduced during the two days of the trial, in reality showed, no cause
 St. George, 1878, June      A. R. Whitehead, p. 5
for Action and were it not that the Defendant in his plea, admitted that now the parties could not live in peace together, in consequence of the course of Susie in commencing the suit, sending off the children, disposing.of the furniture &c, no Judge, judging from the evidence given in Court and the 14 of her own Letters to Alma since he departed for England, 13 of which were most affectionate and the 14th being the last, without showing any cause for the change, telling him of her intention to be divorced, and also a Farewell address composed by her upon the departure of Alma for Europe, could possible have granted the Decree of Divorce, had not the Defendant admitted as aforesaid. Previous to the trial, Susie came to me and said Alma wished an interview with her, said she did not wish to be alone with him, and wished me to be present, I rather objected at the time, but afterwards Alma came to be and wished me to try and arrange so that they could have an Interview, he also wishing me to be present, I then went and saw Susie and (p.6) the tine was appointed for 5 P.M.  I tried to find Alma to tell him of the time appointed, but could not, and learned that he had gone with the Ward Teachers to see her, consequently I did not go as I thought the Teachers were enough.
In the course of the Trial It was proved that the Teachers had effected a settlement between Susie and Alma in relation to the children and the division of the Property, providing Alma would pay Bro Cannons debt he went to ascertain if he could settle the debt, and when he went with the Teachers to close the agreement Susie backed out, and it was proved that Sister Lucy B. Young was the cause of her changing her mind, it was also proved that Lucy B, said to the teachers, that if she had been
 St. George, 1878, June                  A. R. Whitehead, p. 6
there, she would have put them out of doors.
In the decision of the Judge, Alma was to have the Title to the House and Lot in Salt Late City.  A few days after the decision (which by the way was put off two weeks to give the parties a chance to agree if they could themselves.)  Alma came to me and stated that Susie said she was willing to sign the Deed, said he took the Deed for her to sign and she refused to talk to him, he wished me to take it and get her to sign it, when I went she refused to do so, Alma then filed an Affidavit for Attachment for Contempt, before having it served I wrote a Note to Susie, explaining what Alma was doing, in which I explained that it would put her to a good deal of expense and trouble and if she wished to prevent it she had better sign the Deed  She came to my office, said she had come to sign it, I gave her the Deed (p.7) and she changed the Deed, making the Transfer to Alma as Guardian of the Children, I told her, that would not do, as it did not satisfy the Decree. She said she would not sign it any other way, said she would lay in prison until she rotted before she would sign it  I told her I should have to telegraph to the Judge and serve the Attachment.  The papers were served and on the day of trial, she appeared and remained in contempt of the Court the whole of the afternoon by signing the Deed but refusing to acknowledge it. Both the Judge and myself stated to her, that she could acknowledge that she done it in compliance with the Decree of the Court, but she would not, about dark the Judge committed her to the care of the Bailiff until she did acknowledge the signature, between Nine and ten Oclock after every- thing was arranged for her comfort for the night in an Office in the Court House and a Female Attendant with her she having refused to be kept
 St. George, 1878, June              A. R. Whitehead, P. 7
at her own home.  Bro. Moses F. Farnsworth, the chief a Clerk at the Temple came up and saw her and she consented for Bro Lund a Notary Public to come in and she made the acknowledgement, he using the same words in taking it the acknowledgement as had been used previously used in the Court, by the Judge and Clerk and she had refused to do it she was released after taking the acknowledgement.  she was released immediately
                                                                                    A. R. Whitehead
June 6th.  Worked at the Temple until 12-30    Wrote out Wm Snows State- ment for Prest E. Snow.
Prest E. Snow came in the Office In the evening, said Bro J. W. Nixon had told him (p.8) how he was instructed by J. G. Bleak to take out Bro Dunfords children to Trumbull said Bleak said  We wish you to do it. that Bleak went in the night with a Team and took away the Organ and Furniture from Susie's, and assisted Nixon to start with the children. Nixon started at 5 A.M.
June 7th.  Worked at Temple as Jas. left there at 1 P.M. finished copying the statement of W. Snow.
June 8th.  Not well, sent Notice to Suttan & Jacobs in relation to their Tax, instructed J. M. Mac to see them.
June 10th.  Held County Court.
June 11th.  Worked at Temple. Baptisms
June 12                "         "        "           James & Recording
June 13                "         "        "               "                 "
June 14                "         "        "               "                 "
 St, George, 1878, June             A. R. Whitehead, p..8
June 15  Attended Conference
Jung 17  In Office Recording &c
June 18  Worked at temple  Baptisms & Recording
June 19  Worked at Temple  Peter & Recording  Amy quit work
June 20  Worked at Temple  Peter & Recording
June 21  Worked at Temple  Peter & Recording
June 22  Worked in Office.  sent to Livington enquiring about Goods wrote to Mother.  Sent to Calder &c. for Strings.  sent for Musical Horns for Elizth A. Snow
June l3  Attended Meetings Thos Judd & E. Snow forenoon and D. H Cannon, W. D. Johnson & J. M. Macfarlane occupied the time. attended Circle, and Meeting of the Order in the evening.
June 24  Worked in the Office.  visited Prest E. Snow with I. Cox on School Matters.  he advised us to employ Miss Cook as Teacher to a (p.9) Central School.  sent $3.50 to Wm Clayton for Recording.  Brands to wit. W. E. Cowley 100. J. S. Emmett 150 John Alger 100 Check $300 No 7208 dated Leeds, Utah June 10th 1878, Wells Fargo & Company S.L.C.  Pay to A. R. W. on order Signed John H Rice Cashier endorsed.  "Pay Wm Clayton, A R Whitehead and 50 cents Legal Tender.
Answered Herman Krause letter showing Title to Hannahaus Saloon.
June 25  Worked at the Temple in the forenoon.  in the Office in the afternoon.
June 26  Worked at Temple, Peter & Recording
June 27  Worked at Temple, Peter & Recording
June 28  Worked at Temple, Peter & Recording
June 29  Worked in the Office.
 St. George, 1878, June & July                  A. R. Whitehead, p. 9
June 30  Attended lst Ward Sabbath school,  Spoke to the children. Attended Meeting Morning and afternoon
July 1. Worked in the Office all day
July 2  Worked at the Temple, confirming.  Office in the P.M.
July 3  Worked at the Temple Recording &c.  Endowed for Thomas Chapman Harrison,  Worked on Tax List in the P.M.
July 4  Worked at the Temple, Recording &c.  Endowed for William Harrison. Attended Store.  P.M. and Ball for a short time in the Evening.  My wife sick.
July 5. Worked in the Temple, Recording &c, Endowed William Harrison.
Worked on Tax List.  Attended Choir Practise.
July 6. In Office all day. A. C. Potter, C. C. Branham and others from Silver Reef attending sale, went with them to the Tabernacle, told Branham of a Deed being on Record from Francis to Gisborn wished a full certified copy of it.
Wrote to Gardner of Pine Valley about furnishing Lumber for part Factory pay and part Canaan.  Mary still quite unwell.  Paid Woolley, Lund & Judd 5070 amt due C. M. Livington & Expressage.
July 7. Attended Meetings, Geo. Baker, M. F. Farnsworth and D. H. Cannon, spoke in the forenoon, Bros. Sanders and Rogers of Salt Lake, T. Judd, H. Eyring, W. Granger and Prest J. D. T. McAllister in the afternoon. (p.10)  My wife still quite unwell.
July 8.  Mary quite unwell but got up and got breakfast  felt rather poorly myself.  tried to get some one to stay with my wife and help her but failed.  Recorded 2 Deeds, Made Certified Copy for Mr. Branham.
 St. George, 1878, July                 A. R. Whitehead, p. 10
Certified to a Deed for H. S. Subbok   Receipted Leeds M. Co. for $200 (S. A. P. Tipsey)
July 9. Temple until 10-30  Recording and Confirming.  Recorded 2 Liens, Made Homestead Papers for C. A. Connelly, attended Trial of Fuller Bros.  Louise Farnsworth commenced working at the House
July 10. Temple until 10.  Recording.  Called Roll. got A. P. Winsor to Sword & Count in my place, was excused by Prest McAllister. While at the Temple, heard Bp. Cannon and A. P. Winsor talking about the Officers being drunk when they arrested the Fuller Bros.  A. P. Winsor said he would not vote for Hardy as Sheriff.  that the Officers were so drunk they left their bottles not emptied on the road.  I told Winsor I thought Hardy was as good a sheriff as we could get, that he wanted the Office.
Attended the Trial of Fullers a short time, they were fined 50 dollars each and costs took an appeal.
In order to put Bro Hardy on his guard about drinking so much, as I had seen several bottles go into his office, I told him of part of the talk at the Temple he wished to know who it was but I would not tell him.
I recorded a Chattel Mortgage for J. H. Rice gave it to Jos Bentley to send to him.
Went to the Washington Field with Bp Cannon to look at some land with the object of buying if it suited. it (p.ll) did not suit me, saw my Lucerne and was much pleased with it.  returned home and run a piece of wood 3/4 inch long under my nail into my finger, very painful all night, Slept but very little.
 St. George, 1878, July      A.R. Whitehead, p. 11
July 11th.  Temple until 1 P.M.  Recorded, called Roll, and represented G. worked at Vc.  attended circle was M. 12 Bot Oil for End. 3 for Sick. Took acknowledgement for Cunningham of Deed as Attorney in fact for Jas Cunningham to J Hinman of Copper Mine.  Recorded 2 Deeds, wrote 2 Election Notices, Letter to Mrs. Barratt about Money due her from G. M. Co.  Ordered Blanks from Deseret News Office.  Sent for Hand Cuffs & Shackles for Sheriff, with $10.00 P.O. order and sent O. B. Adams. Transcript to him.
July 12. Temple until 10 A.M. Recording & Roll, Bro Woodward attended S. & Count for me.
Recorded 2 Instruments for Thackrah, and mad Abstract of Stomont Mine for Rosborough & Merritt.  went with Bro McFarlane to see Organ of W. McCullough, he proposed to exchange Organs with me and take May & two children to the Terminus in the bargain.  Called in the Telegraph Office R. C. L. refused to donate any thing for the 24th  said his Bp. said he hoped no one in his Ward would be fool enough to donate any thing towards it.  Attended Choir Practice.  Malinda Farnsworth commenced to live with us.
July 13. Not feeling very well,  Wrote Election Notices, and made out Ticket for Election.
July 14. Attended Meeting Forenoon.  S. R. Wells, D. S. Hendrix, Jas Keate & A. Nelson addressed the Congregation, gave out Notice for Men to repair the Canal  W. F. C. Co.  P.M. attended Meeting.  A. W. Ivins, M. Snow, D. Robbins Chas. Worthen (his first attempt) and D. McAllister, and Prest. McAllister addressed the Meeting.  Attended (p.12) Choir
 St. George, 1878, July      A. R. Whitehead, p. 12 
practice, went with J. M. Macfarlane to Bro. A. P. Hardys was introduced to Mr Reich of Silver Reef.  (he refered to the Note I hold agains him favor A Fargo & Co. Pioche, said it was outlawed and he would not pay it.)
July 15.  Made out Divorce papers in Heneman Suit delivered to A. P. Hardy, Sheriff, the Summons with Certified Copies of Complaint & Summons. paid Sheriff $5.00 for Fees.
Delivered to J. A. Chesney (so he reported himself) 2 Deeds  Gave. W. McCullough $1350 Cash for Store Checks 1500 Traded Organs with him on the terms stated on the 12th  Recorded 3 Instruments for Geo Thackrah & made Abstract of the S. Reef. R. Works.
S. A. Pymm agreed to paint names on Ballot Boxes for $500 Co. Scrip. Paid Annie M. Romney $2000 Terr. Warrants on School Teaching, out of my own means, to be refunded to me from the School Trustees.  (M. P. R. received the Warrants.)  Wrote Letter to Z. Derrick for C. Jacksons Leg and enclosed $3000 promising to pay the other 30 in 60 days sent it with Mary.
July 16.  Assisted Mary to Pack up, went to the Temple Called at Font. returned and loaded up Marys luggage.  Malinda Farnsworth could not stay with us.  Esther Morris came to keep house for us.  2 P.M.  Went in Company with George Brooks, got his Team & the Buggy of W. L. & Judd took Mary to Washington took Tea with Sisters McReavy & Turner drove over to little Cottonwood where W. McCullough was camping, bid Mary and the two little ones Erastus & Mary good bye.  returned home at 11-30 P.M. W. McCullough said he would trade Organs and I could get it any time. 
St. George, 1878, July                 A. R. Whitehead, p. 13
July 17.  Arose at 5 A.M.  Recorded Transcript of Docket before break- fast.
At the Temple.  Recording S. & Count. (p.13)  Made copy of Lease for C. A. Connelly, heard that Jos Birch shot Geo C. Boyd and killed him.  bargained with T. J. Jones to sell him Lot in Washington to be paid for Jan 1, 1879  $150.  Factory or $200.  Canaan.
Rd Bentley came in from the Mine, said Hinman stopped work at the Mine on the 15th inst.
July 18.  Temple, Recording. S & Count.  Worked at Registration Lists and Recorded 2 Deeds.
July 19.  Temple.  Recording S & Count.  Worked at Registration Lists and Recording.  send card to Mary at Beaver
July 20.  Recorded 2 Deeds before breakfast.  Recorded 2 after finished Registration lists all except St George.  Judge Snow came down.  J. G. Bleak filed petition for Letters of Guardianship for L. B. Young.  Made Petition for Boyd Estate and issued Notices, to be heard August 1, 1878.
Sent for 3 D. L. Machines and  goods to Z. C. M. I. wrote and told Anna Nielsen if she would bring back the Machine immediately I would pay her Money back.  Gave W. Snow Bill of Lumber wanting for House, agreed to pay him half Factory half Canaan for it.  exchanged Canaan with E. W. Snow for $5200 Cash at 60% discount.
July 21.  Wrote several letters before Breakfast, Sent Mary a Postal Card to Fillmore, and one to her Mother  Went to See Bro Cox at 8 A.M. on School Matters attended Meeting at 11 A.M.  H. Eyring & M. P. Romney addressed the meeting.  took dinner with Bro Branch made arrangements with 
St. George, 1878, July         A. R. Whitehead, p. 14
him to Board Miss Cook.  Attended Meeting at 2 P.M.  Charles Smith & Wm Burt addressed the Meeting.  Attended Choir practice  heard from Mary at Cove Creek  all well  information received from Jos Bentley. received letters from Joseph Goddard with Likenesses of himself and two little ones.  went home took Supper and retired to rest (a lonesome long day)  (p.14)
July 22.  Arose at 4-30  Recorded 2 Instruments before Breakfast, finished One Registration List for St G.  Executed Deed to Both.  bought and paid for 400 ft finishing Lumber from Booth, piled at his house. Wrote Letter for R. Bentley to Geo Y. Wallace relating to Bullion shipped to him.
Indicated Letter to the Bishops on School Matters soliciting pupils to attend Miss Cooks School.
July 23.  Temple, 8 A.M.  no Baptisms owing to so few there.  Recorded Deed for J Birch before breakfast.  Bro A McNiell, arrested for Assault on Conger and for Stealing water, came and engaged me to assist him in the matter, thought we had a good case as in our opinion there was nothing proved in the stealing part, but the Assault was proved.  Fined $10.00 & 2500 and Costs amounted to over $7000, we made no arrangements about my Fees, I worked hard for him all day charged him $600 but have not got it yet  attended Choir practice, received Card from Mary from Beaver, all well.
July 24.  Recorded 4 Instruments before Breakfast.  attended Celebration, sung Hail Natal Morn, took dinner with A. P. Hardy, attended the Dance in the evening.  assisted manage the floor.  E. D. Woolley dismissed 
St. George, 1878, July            A. R. Whitehead, p. 15
the party one hour before the time appointed no reason given, but that he was one of the committee.  never consulted me when I was managing the floor as Bro Macfarlane had retired.  I spoke of it not being his right and considerable words ensued but no hard names or indecent language used.
July 25.  Temple until 12 M. Peter.  Baptisms were attended to before Endowments.
Sold P. Nielsen Sewing Machine. $47.50 not (p.15) paid, promised to send it over.  Made Abstract for T. R. Jones, S. L. City, sent C. O. D. $3.00 heard E. D. Woolley was going to get out papers for me, as Breach of the Peace &c.
July 26.  Recorded Transcript before Breakfast.  At Temple Recording. Roll. & Peter.  Started letter to Mary received Telegram from J. F. Chi ester in relation to Butcher Shop.  finished St George Registration list.  Alma Young came in about the Estate of his father, said he had took care of his Mother and did not intend the rest of the children should get away with any of the property as they would not help to take care of her.  Received Card from Mary dated 22nd at Fillmore also letter for her from her Mother, received circulars to Voters from J. Sharp Chairman Center Committee.  35 at Temple.
July 27.  Wrote to Mary, finishing her letter and mailed it before breakfast, also sent copies of circulars to each of the Precincts. Temple, Recording, Roll & Peter 29 E. Goods came in, unloaded and unpacked the.  made up Amy's a/c.
July 28.  In Company with M. P. Romney, E. W. Snow and Moronic Snow went 
St. George, 1878, July & August            A. R. Whitehead, p. 16
to Santa Clara, attended Sunday School and Meeting, talked both times. returned home at 7 P.M.
July 29.  Worked on County Books, all day.  Wrote to Waldron & Rothschild enclosed Note of W. T. Rich with statement that he would not pay it on account of it being outlawed.  Went to Washington with A. P. Hardy. returned about 9 P.M.
July 30.  Temple, no Baptisms, adjourned till 7 A.M. tomorrow  Recorded Deed for Marker, Made Certified Copy & Abstract for H. S. Lubbock. Worked on my Store Books, paid E. W. Snow $3000 in Silver on Freight, talked with him in relation to entering into Partnership.
July 31.  Temple.  Recording, Roll & Peter.  Recorded Deed (p.16) made Abstract for J. F. Allen S. L. City sent it to Mary with Bill to collect $200.  Wrote to Mary, Sold Emmett Machine for $100.  Canaan, Sent 384 to Livington for Needles, Springs &c.  Worked on Store Book received Letter & certificates of Stock in G. G. M. Co. to be transferred to J. B. Vanhagan from B. H. Paddock dated Silver Reef  June 25th.
August 1.  Went to Office before breakfast, answered Mr. Vanhagans letter. stated the Paddocks Stock was levied on by the Sheriff and I could not issue new certificates until the right of property was decided.  Recorded Deed Temple Recorded.  Roll & P. through by 11-20 put through second Company.  5 list 42 sec.  P. Roll V. & Witness.  Ellen Vanorden Married L. Harper.  arrived at Office 2-30 P.M.  Received Telegram from H.S. Lubbock, made him Copy of By Laws of Harrisburg M. D  sent Deed of Hardy to McGrady to Rosborough & Merritt.  gave Bill $500 against Hinman for Salt to Mr. Burgess let O. Foster have $10000 Canaan for 
St. George, 1878, August  A. R. Whitehead, p. 17
C. F. Foster, to be paid for $4000 Cash in 10 days
August 2.  Temple, Recording.  Roll. & P. two companies 1st 50. 2nd 46.  arrived at Office at 2-30 P.M.  Wrote to Miss Cook, offered to accept of her proposition to teach school, would pay at least 1/2 Cash and the balance in the Products of the Country at Cash rates, or would pay all Cash if she would give us time.  Quite Sick with cold on my lungs, went to Choir practise was none
August 3.  Received letter from Mary.  Recorded 2 Deeds and made Certificate of B. H. P. as Justice, sent out Bill for Goods, sent Check to Z. C. M. I. for Bill of July 9th  Sent to Snell for 1200 lbs of Salt. Wrote to Mary, felt a little better but Lungs still sore. (p. 17)
August 4.  Attended Meeting twice.  T. S. Terry & D. H. Cannon preached in the forenoon.  J. M. Macfarlane, A. B. Dunford and Bro Allred in the afternoon, sent P. Card to Mary
August 5.  Election day.  Recorded Deed, made Abstract of Dixie Mine for E. A. Wall and worked on Tax List  sent $2125 to G. T. Wallace for Freight.  sold Machine to R. Allen.  who paid $2500 down and Note for 30.00
August 6.  Recorded 2 Deeds  George Recorded 1.  Worked on Tax list and delivered it to E. W. Snow. Lungs quite sore.
August 7.  Temple until 10-30.  Recording.  Roll, Sword & Count.  46 present also ordaining.  Investigation held by Prest J. D. T. McAllister in relation to Bp. D. H. C. being intoxicated on Election  H. Eyring, W. Fawcett, D. H. C. and myself present.  Decided he should made a Public confession on Sunday.  Recorded 1 Deed.  Lungs felt much better. 
St. George, 1878, August                A. R. Whitehead, p. 18
Executed Deed for S. P. Marker, and sent to him by Mail.
August 8.  Recorded 2 Deeds before Breakfast.  Recorded 4 Instruments attended Probate Court.  settled up Slade Estate.  Received Letter from Mary.  Answered it after supper enclosed Check for $1250 to pay Jos Lyon $10.00
August 9.  Worked in Office at Abstract of Election before Breakfast Recorded 1 Instrument.  attended Probate Court, in the Matter of the Estate of S. I. Burgess.  D. B. Barney promised to turn to my Credit at Tithing of 3500.  Wrote Statement to Executors of B. Young in relation to my a/c sent it by Dolphy to Bro Bleak.  Goods arrived from S. L. City.  2 Machines & Goods from the East also recd by Watch.  Issued Certificates of Election to Precinct Officers.
August 10.  Marked Goods before Breakfast.  Recorded Release of Mort- gage.  attended Probate Court.  worked in Office all day.
August 11.  Started for Sunday School.  Met with Capt Lubbock who introduced me to his Brother, (p. 18)  Wm. H. and John Elam of California, had an interesting interview with them.  Attended Meeting (P.M. Bro Findlay of Panacca preached.)  D. H. Cannon made confession and was forgiven.
P.M.  Thos. Judd, L. Brown & Robert Gardner preached M. P. Romney occupied the forenoon on first principles  Was called after Meeting by Bro Sullivans son and W. E. Cowley to go home and found there George A. Laub and a crowd.  Laub had gone in my store and stolen $2300 Cash $2700 Canaan $7.00 Factory.  1 Pistol, 100 Cartridges, 4 Rings & 1 Portmonie.  I proved the property and placed the boy (he being 13 years 
St. George, 1878, August           A. R. Whitehead, p. 19
old) in the hands of A. P. Hardy, Sheriff  Went up to see Bro I. Cox, spent an hour there.
August 12.  In Company with Judge Snow & A. Nelson, went to Washington to sell vacant land.  A Nelson & myself bought 40 Acre & 12 City Lots on the North East of Town for $6500, returned home at 11 P.M.
August 13.  Recorded 4 Deeds, & made up Judge Snows a/cs. &c  Laub tried and fined $2500 & Costs.
August 14.  Recorded 1 Deed before breakfast.  Temple.  Recording Sword & Count & Roll.  returned to office at 10 A.M.  Recorded 1 Deed, made Cert. Copy for Bodley, sent Abstract of Election to Secretary.  Sent $1500 by W. F. & Co to Des. News to pay Bill for Blanks, Wrote t Sterling & R. F. Goold.  issued Certificates of Election to Co Officers tooks Supper with Judge Macfarlane spent an enjoyable evening, singing &c.  Thos & Jos Judd being present.
August 15.  Worked in Office until Breakfast.  Temple.  A.M.  Recorded. Roll, S. & Count.  Recorded 3 Instruments.  worked at Bonds &c.  Received Letter from Mary.
August 16.  Temple A.M. Recorded, Roll, S & Count, sent Certificate of Election to Pinto. Letters to Hebron & Hamblin  Receipt to J. R. Wilkins, Beaver, Card to Spillsbury and Wrote to Mary.  Sent two Notes, Taylor & Slaughter (p. 19) to J. W. Corey.  Singer Mfg Co. also $10000 Check  Woolley Lund & Judd, to pay for Machines, leaving 3 D. S. Machines unpaid less $400 overpaid on others.
August 17.  Amended Abstract for Whedon & Potter, worked in Office all day.  attended Meeting of School Trustees at 4 P.M. 
St. George, 1878, August                 A. R. Whitehead, p. 20
August 18.  Attended Meeting Forenoon & afternoon.
August 19.  Worked in Office, sent Tax Returns to Wm Clayton, sent for Commissions to the Secretary.  Wrote to Miss Cook and to Mary.  sent enclosed in her letter Bill of Goods Check to Z. C. M. I. and $20.00 for her expenses &c home.  Sent $350 worth of Blanks to R. F. Goold by M. Cooper.  Attended surprise party in the evening at A. P. Winsors it being his 60th Birthday.
August 20.  Arose late, did not feel well.  Started E. Cragus to the Terminus for Mary & Miss Cook.  Made out Bill to send to Livington for Goods.  $100.  P.O. order sent to him.  Made Deed & Recorded for Mrs. M. E. Snow.  bought Knitting Machine from her.  paid $10.00 Cash balance $20.00 Factory to be paid to Mrs Tye.
August 21.  Temple A.M. Rec'g Roll, Peter, P.M. same.  Office 3 P.M. Made cert Copy & Recorded 3 Deeds.
August 22.  Temple A.M. Rec'g Roll & P. Same.  Office, Recorded 2 Deeds.  Made Abstract & sent to A. G. Hunter  Received Letter from Mary. & answered it.  Was appointed by Prest. McAllister to take charge of the Mutuals & Sunday Schools.  M. P. Romney having resigned on account of his getting into a Row with Jos. Judd the night before, saw his Letter to Pres. Mc. offering his resignation.
August 23.  Temple. A.M.  Roll, Rec'g & Peter.  Held H in 2d A. & Witness. P.M.  Rec'd & Peter.  Received Knitter from Mrs. M. S. Snow.  Office at 4 P.M.  worked on my Private Books.  Knit 1 pr Socks in evening. (p. 20)
August 24.  Knit 2 pr Socks before Breakfast.  Recorded 2 Deeds & Satisfaction of Mortgage.  Made certified Copy of Declaration for Bro 
St. George, 1878, August                             A. R. Whitehead, p. 21
Jeffery & papers for Home stead.  sent P of Attorny to Switzerland for Staheli.
August 25.  Recorded 2 Deeds & Made abstract.  A.M.  Meeting. H. W. Miller made confession for getting to much wine on Election day, was unanimously forgiven except for Solon Foster Sen. Jos Judd made confession for Beating M. P. Romney, was unanimously forgiven  Letter was read from M. P. Romney to the People  showed very contrite spirit being full of grief and sorrow for what he had done, was willing to resign if the Priesthood thought it best, a vote was taken to forgive him but did not take well, the People signified that they would like him to be present himself, Prest McAllister spoke a few words, showing that other faults were as bad as getting drunk, named neglect of duty in non attendance at meeting as being as bad.
            Went to dinner with Bro Solon Foster.  Attended meeting in the afternoon.  Bro Gates asked the privilege of talking, talked on general principles refered principally to Bro Romney, said he did not like to see such things covered up, he (Romney) had been borne with too long, said it seemed strange we could not have sober Bishops Prest said he did not know but he was too rough.  Prest McAllister said yes, he thought Bro Gates might have consulted them (the Prest of the Stake) before talking on the matter in that way.  he seemed terribly annoyed. Called on Bro Eyring to talk when Bro Gates was through.
Bro Eyring, said there was men in St. George who drank every day and could pack a gallon and not show it, that the one (p. 21) that gave drink to the one that got drunk was worse than he, that got drunk, 
St. George, 1878, August            A. R. Whitehead, p. 22 
said Bro Romneys positions in the Priesthood were not up for consideration there, that he thought Bro R. was sincere in his repentance &c. Prest McA.  said he sanctioned all that had been said but thought it was untimely, that he (Bro Gates) should have waited until Bro R. was present.
After meeting quite a caucus gathered together and talked over the matter.  Bro J.M. Macfarlane said he was perfectly willing to forgive Bro R. but he did not believe in covering such things up, and said that the matter had been misrepresented to the people.
Bro Eyring wished to know, "How"
Bro M. said he, Bro E. had misrepresented it by comparing Bro R. with a man that had had drink given to him, when it was the contrary with Bro R. as he persistently refuses to drink with any one, but deliberately takes his bottle to himself, gets drunk and trys to take the life of his Brethren.  considerable was said by all parties.  Bro Eyring stated that he did not mean it in that way.  (but he certainly led the people to think that some one had given drink to Bro R. as stated by Bro J. M. Mac.)
August 26.  Worked for Ladies Coop. taking Stock.  Recorded 2 Inst.s after supper, retired at 11 O’clock
August 27.  Arose at 5 A.M. Made out Divorce papers for B. N. Paddock and placed Summons &c in the hands of Sheriff Hardy.  Worked 3/4 day taking Stock.  Recorded Lien, made up my journal gave E. W. S. $24.75 order on Factory.
August 28.  Worked at Temple, Recording, Roll & John Peter.  Recorded 
St. George, 1878, August - September            A. R. Whitehead, p. 23
One Deed. (p. 22)
August 29.  Temple. Recording, Roll & John Peter  Recorded Notice for Mr Lubbock.
August 30.  Recorded on Instrument.  worked in Office all day
August 31.  Engaged Clarence to attend Temple, Recording, Roll & Peter Worked in Office all P.M.
September 1.  Attended Meeting all day
September 2.  Worked in Office all day  County Court
September 3.  Temple Recording and confirming in Office P.M.
September 4.  Recorded in Temple.  Roll & James.  Recorded 4 Instruments.
September 5.  Temple Recording.  Roll & James.  worked in Office P.M.
September 6.  Recorded 4 Instruments
September 7.  Clarence Kept Office for me, went out with Bro I Cox and the boys to meet Mrs W. & Miss Cook, met them at Grave Vine.  was very sick with the headache.  arrived home at 9 P.M.
September 8.  Attended Meeting all day
September 9.  Recorded 5 Instruments.  Probate Court
September 10.  Temple.  Recording & at Font.  worked in Ladies Coop Books.
September 11.  Temple Recording, Roll, Sword & Count.  Worked at Ladies Coop Books.
September 12.  Temple, Recording, received Endowments for 2.  Recorded one Deed
September 13.  Temple.  Recording, Roll, Sword & Count.  Recorded 1 Deed 
St. George, 1878, September        A. R. Whitehead, p. 24
September 14.  Conference.  held Sunday School Meeting in evening
September 15.  Conference, all day.
September 16.  (E. Morris.) (in parenthesis before the date)  Attending to School business all day.  E Morris commenced work at $3.00 per week.
September 17.  Attending School business.  made out Divorce papers for Bigelow.  Wrote to Probate Clerk of Manti Co.  sent $2.50 to Clayton for Bleak Brands.  answered M. D. Fullers Letter paid Thompson $3000 to be returned or applied on Note.
September 18.  Made 3 Cert. Copies.  Recorded 1 Instrument.  had meeting of Dance Committee.
September 19.  Recording in Office all day.
September 20.  Went with County Court Members to examine (p. 23)  Roads to Grape Vine Springs.  held Meeting at Leeds in the evening.  Bros Macfarlane, Woolley, Bentley, Miller Jones and myself occupied the time.
September 21.  Visited Silver Reef, and returned home, attended Party in the Court House in the Evening.  Miss Cook and Mary accompanying me.
September 22.  Attended Meeting at 11 A.M. & 2 P.M. called up to Preach. spoke of the coming Election.  gave out a Notice for a Primary Meeting to be held Monday Sept 30 to choose Delegates to Territorial Convention in Salt Lake City
September 23.  Made 8 Abstracts and Recorded 2 Deeds.
September 24.  Recorded 2 Deeds, Made 3 Certified Copies & 1 Abstract
September 25.  Made Cert Copy.  Recorded 4 Deeds. 
St. George, 1878, September & October     A. R. Whitehead, p. 25
September 26.  Recorded 5 Instruments.  James Pearson started with Jerry Sloan and Tuttle Horse Thieves for Pioche.
September 27.  Made copy of Deed, and finished work for A. S. Potter report came in that Sloan & Tuttle were both Killed.  send $125.  CK to Z. C. M. I. and ordered Goods.
September 28.  Recorded one Deed.  sent for Commissions for Justices & Constables.  searched Records for Greenbaum Bro Greenhalgh came over and reported that J. Stayner (J. Stayner) had commenced to live in my house at Washington  I promised Stayner that he could use the whole of the House except the West Room.  for $8.00 per month, or the front 4 Rooms for $6.00 per Month having already rented the West Room for $3.00 (Schiess) per Month to Bro Schiess
Paid Greenhalgh for hauling some Linsey to Snell last April and paid him 3 1/2 lb Nails he said he used on my fence.  Sent to Bancroft for Abstracts.
September 29.  Attended Meeting, Forenoon, occupied by Jacob Gates. Afternoon by Prest J. W. Young upon the principal of faith delivered Machine to R. Fuller, for Order on Canaan for $12250
September 30.  Worked in Office.  Recorded 2 Deeds & Water Agreement of Santa Clara.  Attended Dance in Court House in the Evening.
October 1.  Worked in Office  Sent $9.00 to Clayton for 3 Statutes. Received certificate of appointment as a Delegate to County Convention. Send Bill to Whedon and Potter (p. 24)
October 2.  Attended County Convention.  appointed Secretary of the same. J. G. Bleak and H. Eyring elected Delegates to Territorial Convention. J. M. Macfarlane nominated as Surveyor and E. G. Woolley Pros Attorney 
St. George, 1878, October                 A. R. Whitehead, p. 26
Recorded 2 Deeds for Mr. Rice.
October 3.  Took 4 acknowledgements, Recorded 3 Deeds, sent $3500 to Derrick of Salt Lake to pay balance on C. Jacksons leg.  J. Stayner came and said he had taken my House to rent, reported it and the fence in a bad condition.  Knit 3 pr Socks for Dolphy.
October 4.  Worked at County Books all day.  S. A. Pymm worked for me.
October 5.  Probate Court all day cases of Harenbey vs Harenbey & Paddock vs Paddock heard in Divorce  Recorded 1 Agreement.
October 6.  Atended 4th Ward Sabbath School very much interested in Miss M. E. Cooks Class of Primaries  Meeting in the forenoon addressed by J. E. Pace Wm Carter and E. G. Woolley also T. J. Jones Afternoon by Junius F. Wells and Milton Hardy on subject of Mutual Improvement  At ended Meeting of Officers of Young Mens and Young Womens Mutual Imp. Assns.  addressed by Junius F. Wells, on the Order of Exercises
October 7.  Worked in Office, making Decrees of Probate Court and Recorded 1 Lien  Seth A Pymm worked for me yesterday Saturday and today.
October 8.  Worked in Office all day, at my Books &c.  attended Y. M. M. I. Assn of the 3rd Ward reorganized them in connection with Prest. M. P. Romney.  J. M. Moody Jr. being Elected Prest.
October 9.  Worked in Office all day.  attended the 4th Ward Mutual in the Evening in company with M. P. Romney & E. W. Snow  A. W. Ivins Elected Prest.  J. C. Bentley & Moroni Snow Councelors
October 10.  Worked in Office all day.
October 11.  Worked in Office all day attended Choir Practice it being 
St. George, 1878, October            A. R. Whitehead, p. 27
Judge J. M. Macfarlanes birthday, spent an enjoyable evening at his house.
October 12.  Went to Camp Lorenzo.  My wife and Miss Cook accompanying me.  was kindly entertained by Bro & Sister (p. 25) Hunsaker.  returned home at 8 P.M.
October 13.  Attended 2nd Ward S. School.  Meeting at 2 P.M.  addressed by M. Andrus, S. Miles and J Gates.  4th Ward Meeting in the evening. time occupied by J. M. Macfarlane & myself.
October 14.  Recording all day.  Settled up with Snow Bros. and paid E. W. Snow $29.71 for J. M. Macfarlane attended Meeting of the 2nd Ward Mutual only 4 Boys present and Bp Granger, & Councel & M. P. Romney, adjournd subject to call.
October 15.  Worked in Office all day at Election Notices & Recording visited Santa Clara Mutual in the evening.  with M. P. Romney & S. R. Wells.  14 Young Men present.  Bro Witwer Prest.  evening very cool returned home at 10-25.  P.M.
October 16.  Worked in Office all day  Recording & Abstracting, spent off all the Election Notices.  attended Bible Class at home in the evening.  Present Isaiah Cox, Miss Cook, & my wife
October 17.  Worked in Office all day.  attended Lecture given by Mrs. Hewling on Intemperance.
October 18.  Worked in Office Abstracting, sent to Bancroft for Abstracts. sent $1.00 to W Clayton for Bastian, sent for Brand Sheets.  Managed Dance for Base Ball Club in the Evening.
October 19.  Worked in Office Abstracting Records all day. 
St. George, 1878, October A. R. Whitehead, p. 28
October 20.  Wrote Letters for Mary to Y. L. M. I. Assns of Pine Valley Pinto, Hebron & Panacca.  Wrote to my Mother and to Mr Crouch of Silver Reef giving him the names of County Officers.  attended Meeting in the afternoon.  D. D. McArthur a returned Missionary and H. Eyring addressed the Meeting.
October 21.  Worked in the Office all day, made certified copies for C. D. Bradley of Transfers of the Thompson & McNally Mines.
October 22.  Wrote to Wm McAllister at Kanab  offered 12 1/2 cash or 154 Storepay for Pine Nuts also to Susan You(n)g (Copy of Letter.)  Miss Susan Young.  Dear Madam.  Isaac Hunt and David Rogers both of this City having each filed a Lien on your Property here to secure debts claimed to be due for building the House thereon, and the time drawing fast to a close when the Liens will run out, consequently they have placed the matter in my hands to collect.  (p. 26)  The accounts are really against Alma B. Dunford but the property is held for them.  If you are disposed to pay them and free the property, without suit please inform me, if not suit will be commenced against Dunford and the Property will probably be sold to pay the debts, as Dunford will not pay them. Isaac Hunt's claim is $293.65 and David Rogers $92.36 and interest.  By advising me at as early a date as possible of your intentions relating this matter, you will greatly oblige.  Respectifully &c  A. R. Whitehead.
October 23.  Recorded one Deed and worked at my Books Read the Bible in the Evening.
October 24.  Worked at the Jackson Estate all day.  Spent an interesting evening reading Book of Mormon subject of the 2nd Book of Nephi, Christs 
St. George, 1878, October & November          A. R. Whitehead, p. 29
appearing to the Nephites &c
October 25.  Recorded One Deed for C. Smith, worked in Office
October 26.  Worked in Office on Books & Recording
October 27.  Attended Sunday School 1st Ward and Meeting
October 28.  Went to Pine Valley on Calkin Mill business
October 30.  Returned home.  (held Meeting in Pine Valley 29th)
October 31.  Recording all day
November 1.  Recording all day.
November 2.  Worked in Office and attended Canaan Meeting
November 3.  Meeting of School Trustees, made Report to Supt.  attended Meeting in Tabernacle
November 4.  Worked in Office
November 5.  Worked in Temple.  Recording at Fong & confirming attended joint meeting of Y.M. & Y.L.M.I. Assn. in the evening, worked in Office until 11 P.M.
November 6.  At Temple, Record'g & Roll.  Recording in Office
November 7.  At Temple, Record'g & Roll.  Recording in Office P.M.
November 8.  At Temple, Prayer, Record'g & Roll.  Recording in Office
November 9.  In Office all day Recorded 3 Deeds.  wrote to J. Goddard J. W. Snell, W. J. Jolley.  Rural New Yorker, J. Tower and J. P. Bush sent $20.00 to pay Freight.
November 10.  Attended meeting of School Trustees, Attended Meeting in the Tabernacle at 1 P.M.  Meeting addressed by Prest E Snow on his travels across the Colorado (p. 27)  Attended Ward Meeting in the evening. Meeting addressed by Jos Birch and Bro Woods. 
St. George, 1878, November        A. R. Whitehead, p. 30
November 11.  Worked in Office all day.
November 12.  At Temple Recording & calling at Font. in the Forenoon in the Office in the Afternoon.  Mutual of 2nd Ward in evening
November 13.  At Temple Recording.  Roll & John.  In Office P.M.
November 14.  A. M. At Temple Recording.  Roll & John.  In Office P.M.
November 15.  A. M. At Temple Recording.  Roll & John.  In Office P.M. Sent to Z. C. M. I. for Goods, sent $200.  Bough Machine from Snow and  paid him for it.  Webb run of Lime for me
November 16.  Worked in Office all day.  Visited at Bro I Cox's evening
November 17.  Saw S. Cunningham, agreed to give him $2500 Canaan for 140 Gals of Cider, or sell it for him for 15%.
Attended Meeting at 1 P.M.  Llewellyn Harris preached also J. Gates. finished reading the history of Jos. Smith.
November 18.  Worked in the Office, Recording, Wrote to Mrs Pectol in relation to Note held for me. 
St. George, 1879, January & February                  A. R. Whitehead, p. 31
January 25.  Sent by Wells Fargo Express to D. O. Calder $13930 in checks as follows. No 1460 W. F. & Co. S. L. City. from Woolley Lund & Judd to Jos. T. Wilkinson, dated Dec. 16, 78, for $75.00 No 12205 W. F. & Co. S. L. City from John H Rice to Ed Cutts dated Dec 23, 1878 Leeds for $6000 No 13430 W. F. & Co S. L. City from John H. Rice to A R Whitehead dated Jan 4, 1879 Leeds for $5030 No 3561 W. F. & Co  S. L. C. from Campbell Cullen & Co to S. F. Colt dated Frisco Beaver County Utah Nov 25 1878, for $10.00 Also my Notes for $20410 each at 60 & 90 days from Feb 1, 1879 with interest 1 1/2 per cent per No.  asking him to return my old notes. Sent for 1 Mason & Hamblin on 4 Mos. & One Clough & Warren No 43. on 6 Months time.  See Letter.
November 26.  Sent $10000 to Livington P. O. Order.
November 27.  Settled up and paid my Tithing for 1878.  amount $10000 & 170 days work in the Temple (p. 28)
February 2 [1879].  In Company with M. P. Romney I went to Price City, visited the Sabbath School and Meeting and organized a Mutual Imp. Association
February 3.  Sent to Z. C. M. I. Check.  Woolley Lund & Judd to Z. C. M. Ins. on a/c of Bill of Jan 4, 1879.  amounting to $20368/100
February 15.  John Lazaar agreed to take my House the East Room, 2 Rooms up Stairs, Kitchen and cellar with use of the Lots, reserving room on the Lots for Corrall &c for Tenant to other part of the House, for $6.00 pr Month payable in Factory Pay or Trade of the Country, for one year 
St. George, 1879, March, April & May          A. R. Whitehead, p. 32
Monday Feb 17/79  Witness Geo. A. Burgon.  John  his mark X Lazaar
March 7.  Sent Checks No 13070.  Leeds Utah Mch 6, 1879 to McCormick & Company (on Wells Fargo Blank) payable to myself & endorsed $16.25 sig.  John H. Rice & No 14217 same as above Feb. 6. payable to Victor Coschina endorsed, also endorsed by myself for $2000  Signed as above. to Utah Forwarding Co
March 29.  Sent Checks No 1444 Silver Reef Utah Mch 13/79 to Walker Bros. Marcus Lunk $23.90 Jacobs & Sulton No 2334 Leeds Utah Mch 17/79 John H. Rice Cashier A R Co. 4325 H. S. Lubbock Supt. No 229 Silver Reef Utah Feb 13/79  McCormick & Co. Bankers  I Carl $2500 Siegel & Marks No 13558 Leeds Utah Jan 10/79 Wells Fargo & Co John Gerrans $4500.  John H Rice Cashier.  to Singer Mngf Co. S. L. City.
April 5.  Sent application for Job. License to O. J. Hollister S. L. City with Check No. 1615.  St. George Mch 7/79 Wells Fargo & Co. S. L. City payable to Beaver.  $5.00 Sig Woolley Lund & Judd endorsed to O J Hollister by myself. (ARW.)
Wrote to S. Y. Dunford concerning Hunt & Rogers a/c (p. 29)
April 7.  Sent Check Woolley Lund & Judd to Z. C. M. I. for $20000 also $10000 to D. O. Calder.
April 8.  Wrote to Bro Sundberg giving him the privilege of using the Lot in Washington and the use of Two West Rooms for $500 per Month also authorizing him to rent the balance of the house for $500 per Month if he could offered to sell to him for $1200.00 Cash.
April 15.  Sent P. O. Order $5.00 to Livington Chicago
May 1.  Sold my House and Lo[s]ts connected therewith in Washington for 
St. George, 1879, May          A. R. Whitehead, p. 33
$2000.  took Jos. Judds Note for $1000.  and received 2 3/4 acres of Land at Lonaquin, $330.00, 1 Organ $300, Cap Stock in St. George Coop $3280, Canaan $33.60  Stock in Cottonwood Water Co $14800, McCulloughs Note $95.00 & 1 Pistol $10.80.  placed Deed in Escrow with Woolley Lund & Judd
May 3.  W. B. Pace took Organ at the Monthly rental of $300 Cash in advance  Sent Letters of Administration to T. Diamond Telegraphed to J. W. Snell for 1 Ton Salt
May 9.  Paid Wm Defriez $11.50 for attending Branch plastering in full.
May 12.  Bought Farm of Jos. Judd in Long Valley which is rented to John Schmutz for three years at 65 bu Grain and 50 bu. Potatoes per year. paid him his Note for $1000. and $100. on the Organ for it.
May 14.  Sent for Goods to be delivered to McCullough at York on the 19th.  worked in the Temple.  Recorded. & took part of Peter May 15.  Worked in Temple.  Recorded.  Anointed and Peter
May 16.  Worked in Temple.  Recorded.  Anointed and Peter  Mrs McReavey said her husband had bought my (p. 30) Lot in Washington, that I bargained to John Lazaar and had placed $50.  to my credit at the Factory and was to pay $150. more between now and Jan 1, 1880.
May 17.  Recording in Office all day.
May 18.  Attended Meeting, Discourses by E. Snow & Jno Steele
May 19.  In Office Recording all day.  offered my Lot in Washington to E. M. Steers for $200.  half Cash half Factory Pay. George my Son commenced work as an app(r)entice to M. P. Romney, Carpenter, for 75 cents per day for the first year, $100 2nd & $1.50 3rd. 
St. George, 1879, May                   A. R. Whitehead, p. 34
May 20.  Temple.  Confirmed and Recorded.  In Office P.M. drew papers for Mrs Whitmore & N. B. Neilsen, he to pay me in T. O.
May 21.  Temple.  Recording & Roll call.  Recording in Office
May 22.  Temple.  Recording & Roll call.  Recording in Office
May 23.  Temple Recording  Washed & Roll call.  Recording in Office 5 Deeds.
May 24.  Worked in Office cleaning all day.
May 25.  Attended  high Mass of Father Scanlin, Catholic Service held in the Tabernacle A. M.  and Meeting in the P.M. addressed by E. W. McIntire & Prest E. Snow was visited 24th P.M. by Capt H. S. Lubbock and some 16 other Gentleman & Ladies, Judge Macfarlane and Father Scanlin being present.  had a very Sociable time singing &c.
May 26.  Commenced work in the Office at 4-30 A.M.
May 27.  At Temple, confirming A.M. and Recording in Office P.M.  Sent Check,  Woolley Lund & Judd to Z. C. M. I. $15000 on a/c.
May 28.  Temple, Recording.  and in Office A.M.  Recording Trial of E. K. Fuller for Misdemeanor before Justice R. C. Lunc [Lund?] at 12 M. D. P. Whedon appeared for Fuller, attended Court and took Minutes of Testimony
May 29.  Attended Court at 7 A.M.  fuller fined $25. & costs  Temple at 9 until 10-30.  Worked in Office part of the day, not feeling Well. (p. 31)
May 30.  At Temple until 10-30.  In Office Recording.
May 31.  Worked in the Office all day.  posting my a/cs and making out Bills.  Large Fire at Silver Reef, burning Harrisons House and a number of others also the Northern Mail Burnt up. 

5 P.M.  Suffered all night with my eyes.

Next Post: 1 Jun 1879 - 31 Dec 1879

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